Saturday, July 08, 2006

Vision of the Future

Vision of the Future

What is the future? a time-space
Past-Present-Future are only separated by time
Can we see into time, can we see what is to come

In these troubled times there are many who say they can see
Predictions and prophecies are running rampart
Dire stories of catastrophes and end times

Imagination is a way of seeing a situation and surmising
Logical thinking can give us a scenario of what may play out given certain facts of the present
Cognitive thoughts, the act of knowing for the comprehension of the future, which leads to;
Intuition (knowledge) - understanding without apparent effort, insight independent of previous experiences or observations

At this time in our universe, taking into consideration the above tools,
I am of the mindset that what we put out we get back
A bit like Karma!
If we feel there is no hope, there will be no hope.
If we feel and act like we can change what is wrong, we will change the situation.

So I suppose the vision for the Future is a belief in ourselves and the good of all mankind
To be able to change what we want, to be able to live our lives in Peace and Love
To have courage and grace to carry out our vision of the future
Walking in this time-space with hope and faith

Sunday musings by chela

18th June, 2006

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