Saturday, July 08, 2006

Emotional Stress

I suffered emotional stress this past week.
Brought on by the cause and effect of a couple of choices I have made in my life, which has had an impact on an others, quite innocently and unknown to me.
One thing that the knowledge of what the 'others' have thought or said, has made me have a deep look at my own reactions.

And be buggered I didn't respond like I thought I would have!!!! I need to emit more unconditional love.
But I did become attached and I did start to let ego whisper in my ear, so I got hurt. When will I learn.
Now this is strange what happened to bring about the above, but what happened in a few words was:
>My good deed made other people feel guilty because of their no good deeds.<

I know this, I have researched and lived human emotion all my life. And even now as an elder and with knowledge and a little wisdom I do not understand the majority of the other humans I share my life and the Planet with!

I turned back to my files from a some years ago, and found the following (in the days before links etc so I do not have an author to give credit to, please take credit if it is yours, tar):

Untruth, Lies and Greed cause great emotional stress on the entire soul.

Emotional stress can be overwhelming and create situations totally out of control.

Love needs to flow - energy never can be destroyed but only changed to a different form of energy.

Hence if Love is kept from flowing in its original and purest state - then it needs to be modified to any other kind of energy.

Energy always needs to freely flow. Any restriction to such flow requires energy on its own just to reduce, or change the natural flow of Love - from soul to soul.

Such Love also can turn easily into anger, hate, revenge or violence.
Love is powerful and any soul should strive to Love as much as possible.

Any change of Love into anything else but pure Love always creates a loss of energy caused by the amount of Ego involved in that change.
This "loss" of energy however can only be transformed into something else - never be really lost.
Energy never can be lost but only transformed to different levels or different forms of manifestation
To name a few low or very low quality sources of Love in nowadays material world and state a few examples of how some people demand:

Attention from any person for any reason - even negative attention for committing "crimes" !!!

Recognition, for beauty, good behavior, good performance in any field of activity awards for achievements of any kind publicity under any circumstances for any purpose or reason, just to have people talk about you

Having dependents - children, family, friends, employees, customers, ... depending on you - dependencies causes others to give you their life-force - a substitute of Love but also a kind of energetic vampirism

Might and power on this planet is almost always abused. Such abuse is a substitute for recognition

Greed and emotional stress are called illnesses - hence they need healing rather than punishment. Punishments of any kind make the situation worse than ever before and fail to contribute anything at all to the healing necessary.

Let all the Love coming from others - however they may manifest their Love - flow into you and through you.
It is the flow of such Pure, unconditional Love that creates happiness and also creates healing - healing for the one being loved and for the loving one.

Millions of people suffer from anxiety, fear, depression, etc. Many of these persons however do suffer because they occupy their mind with those emotional objects causing fear, anxiety, depression, etc

If you want to change your emotional attitude - if you want to balance and heal your emotional life, then you need to focus on happiness, Love and joy.

You need to focus all your attention on the sunny side of life to attract joyful emotional energies within yourself.
You are becoming what you feed yourself with.
If you feed your mind with thoughts of death, loneliness, fearful situations, sad memories - again and again, through reading such stories, looking at pictures creating of renewing sad memories of your past or focusing on emotionally sad happenings in life, then your own aura is getting more and more filled by such energies until you are becoming what you focused on.

If you chose an environment, including friends who mainly concentrate on depressive thoughts, sadness, etc you absorb their down pulling energies - unless you manage to upkeep an open connection to Spirit all the time.

Chose an environment that uplifts you - a friendly, happy, spiritual environment focusing on Love and Joy.

Stay away from others if you are sad, depressed, fearful, as your aura may pull others down.

It is YOUR sole responsibility to uplift your own vibration.

Become an uplifting source of joy, Love and Bliss for others - a source of emotional healing for all including yourself.


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