Saturday, July 08, 2006

Winter Thanks

Winter Thanks

I give thanks each day for what I have
I ask for relief for others in need
I whinge of the cold of the wintertime
and praise the changes of the season

I watch the changes in nature that I see
the leaves on the trees from green to brown
the plants lay dormant in cold winter ground
waiting like me for the spring sun that will come
to blossom with a natural beauty for all to see

The birds are all quite in the winter trees
like the plants and me they wait to sing
the horses in the paddocks are lean for a feed
the grass is all burnt from the frost under feet

The sky is dull and overcast, reflecting a grey hue
waiting for the spring sun to colour them blue
The beauty is there but not quite the same
as the spring sunshine that will spread all around

Oh Winter, it is nice indoors with the fire blazing
the washing hung around inside to dry
the cat and the dog do vie for the closest spot
to curl up and sleep away the long winter days
The fire wood is collected and the kindling dried
to keep that fire burning throughout the long days

The solstice has passed, the longest day
slowly now the daylight hours will grow
the sun will become stronger as winter fades
into the awaited and loved spring days

The winter is needed, to rest from the heat
of the summer months so long
but my cold feet do not heed the cycle of live
wanting and waiting for the warmth of the sun


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