Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fukushima High level of radiation

This is a very interesting on line diary - fyi

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  • High level steam explosion seems imminent. Measuring actual hydrogen levels will be done 28th/29th when they get a new device. Valves broke, pipes full of hydrogen, water decontamination not working, plutonium vaporized all over Honshu, no details going out to the people how bad it is, and the mandatory evac limits are being lifted --go figure. I don't think this is paranoia to say-- we're next on the West Coast. This is starting to sink in as a major population reduction that likely will maim the rest of the humans, plants, and animals (please tell me I'm wrong). Last but not least, the good news is that Japan is going to shut down ALL their reactors (don't know the details). Possibly there was and is now, absolutely nothing that can be done. Now magnify this industrial disaster by 440 nuclear plants on planet earth, with 104 in the U.S. Every day it seem that we are hearing about another leak or venting at a nuclear plant. I think I see what the world is coming to via the scifi channel and I don't like it. Most people are clueless as to what is happening but maybe that is a self protective view if in fact, we can do nothing about the situation in Japan now. It gives defcon 1 a whole new meaning now for 'imminent nuclear threat,' never mind the cocked pistol. I shudder to think what will transpire when the tragedy of rad water, air, and soil is realized to it's full extent in Japan and esp in the U.S., where we have been summarily blinded about the truth about radiation. Hint: it's not clean, it's not efficient, and a whole lot of dead and sick people doesn't bother the powerful global nuclear bureaucrats and politicians that support them. Pity.

    See tweets here:
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