Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Poisoned Earth, Poisoned Bodies

New Hope. New Options. A New Future.
Our world is full of toxic pollutants: radiation, man made mercury, petroleum distillates in our makeup, our hand and body lotions, our hair products and even in our drinking water (where jet fuel was recently discovered in “small” and “acceptable” amounts).

Chemicals of every kind and in every combination surround us in our homes, in our cars, at work, in our clothes, and in the air we breathe. Plastics leech deadly chemicals into our bottled drinking water, our soft drinks and the frozen foods we microwave and boil.

The effect is deadly. The effect is cumulative (it builds up continually). the effect is long term. The effect, if we do nothing and continue to use these things the way we always have, is irreversible. People in America are suffering diabetes and thyroid problems in epidemic proportions – and the problem is only going to continue to get worse.

Garden chemicals manufactured by chemical giants like Monsanto and Dupont saturate our soil, our ecosystem, seeping into our ground water, our wells and our aquifers. Phosphates from golf courses run off into our rivers and streams, our ponds and our eddies and algae blooms from the unnaturally high amount of nutrients, choking out native species and causing death.

Dispersants from BP mixed with oil destroy the plankton, and kill the whales, the dolphins, the coral, infect the crabs, the shrimp and harm swimmers and children playing on the sandy shores. Fish are dying and local, state and federal government officials say it’s all ok.

…But wait, I’m not finished – it gets worse! There’s lead in our environment, and arsenic, and the millions upon millions of old and excreted drugs, steroids and antibiotics flushed down our toilets every single day not being cleaned by our municipal water companies – then there’s the fracking (oil companies fracturing rock in rural and not so rural areas and injecting tons and tons of cheap toxic cancer causing deadly chemicals deep into the earth to dissolve and squeeze out whatever little “oil” (they call it oil, but it’s not) that they can.

So how many parts per million of “this” and how many parts per million of “that” and how many parts per million of ten thousand toxins combined together, all interacting in God only god knows which ways, are we absorbing into our bodies through food, our lungs through breathing and our skin through contact with everything in our environment?

The CDC, the FDA, the AMA and the big pharmaceutical companies all say it’s under control – there’s nothing wrong – there’s a another pill for that – and television networks, radio networks and all major newspapers are all owned by just five powerful men.

We the people, those of us who are awake and thinking, know what’s really going on. We know what we’re seeing, what we’re feeling, and see the ill effects upon ourselves, our families, our neighbors and our friends.

That’s why Trisha Springstead and ESP Botanicals created this site, and this blog. …More later. We’re just setting up. There are steps that we as individuals can take to help clean up our own lives if we care. There are options that we as communities can choose to act now to unite our voices and fight back. We must fight because nobody is fighting for us, and nothing will change unless we gather our forces and work together as one.

Civic groups, church organizations, neighborhood watches, veterans organizations, wherever we find people working together who are willing to take a stand for our planet, our country, our counties and our towns – together, we can make a difference.

We can also make a difference in our homes and our yards by choosing more wisely the products we use – organics in our gardens, old recipes for cleaning within our homes and while doing our laundry, choosing safe effective alternatives to keep our cats and dogs flea free, avoiding GMOs (those are Genetically Modified Organisms created by Monsanto – certain corns, soy beans, and even strawberries doctored with fish genes are included!) in our packaged foods. Avoiding all foods containing high fructose corn syrup is a start too, because it fools the body into thinking it wants to eat more, which in turn only makes us gain weight and is a major factor in developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other health problems.

This site and blog are all about you – and me – and all of us – working for a happier healthier cleaner world for tomorrow, starting today!

Hi, I’m Dave Curtis – Trisha Springstead’s webmaster, and I’m glad to be taking part in this mission. All my life I’ve loved the forests and the mountains and the rivers and the trees. All my life I’ve loved all of the animals that live in the wild and in our homes as family pets.

Our children are our future, and I don’t want to hear another adolescent ever say again that they wouldn’t bring a child into this polluted world. I want us to be the generation that stops it. Our parents didn’t see it coming, or were kept too distracted and busy to pay it any mind, but we see it and have to take a stand, and if it’s a last stand, let’s make it a good one we can brag about to our grandchildren about instead of having to hang our head down in shame knowing that we knew, and did nothing.

This is not a blog about doom. This is a blog about a light at the end of a tunnel. It’s a blog about a difference that we can make together, marching side by side into the future to make things right. This is a blog about light.
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