Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Anothers Truth Update

I read Michael just about every day via email most times I agree with him, he is a man of great wisdom

  • michaelmandeville.com


    Standing Advisory: Massive criminal operations and manipulations are underway
    throughout the “Globalist” world – anchored in London, Tel Aviv, and the U.S. by
    the would-be world Aristocracy of the Bankster Class. Unparalleled assaults
    have been ramped up the past two years and now are being made against human
    rights and norms, national governments, and all industries, commerce, the
    environment, and traditional life-sustaining practices everywhere to force
    monopolization of all trade and money under the jackboots of criminal
    syndicates. The primary proof of poneralogy is now clearly self-evident.
    Psychopaths who manage to infect the upper class (or leadership of any group) of
    a people eventually corrupt their people into collective insanity, mass
    mental/emotional breakdown, and death of any viable social order.

    All in all, Chapter 1 is drawing rapidly to a close but will have a surprise
    ending in May with another round of physical blockade-running by people of good
    and sound conscience from around the world. The stage will thus be set for an
    endless Summer of wranglings and recriminations. Chapter 2 will begin In the
    Fall. The movement among the Arabs, and indeed among a great many Muslims around
    the world, is just beginning. The final chapter will be no more than five years
    hence, Israel likely will fold no later than 2017. I suspect that it will end
    with the elimination of the Jewish State, the oil oligarchs. Pan-Arabic and
    Pan-Islamic movements will reshape the entire region in ways which are not very
    predictable, likely nominally democratic states will replace the oil oligarchs,
    and the State of Palestine will become the successor to Israel and perhaps as
    well of Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. All this will take ten to 15 years of
    change and intrigues.

    The U.S. National interest is to avoid becoming caught up in the affairs of any
    of these peoples. The kindest, most liberating, most responsible thing we can do
    is to liquidate all U.S. militarism activities, involvements, entanglements, and
    alliances in the Middle East (and Central Asia). That means withdrawing all
    American forces from the Middle East (and Central Asia). That also means
    terminating all foreign aid. We are an economically broken people, we have no
    aid which we can supply. Those people in the Middle East who need aid should
    apply to the Rothschild banks or to the fabulous incomes from the oil

    Unfortunately, it seems that a few more years must pass before those caught up
    in the mythology of “America the Superduper” are sufficiently browbeaten to let
    go of their delusions.

    As events unfold this next few months, they will attempt to permanently
    trivialize the entire anti-war movement as essentially a ragtag group of nutbags
    holding a variety of unrealistic conspiracy theories and anti-semitic ideas who
    are diminishing “our heros” and aiding the terrorists in a variety of ways.
    They will attempt to upstage the next attempted “breaking of the gaza blockade”
    with terrorist event(s) which will require a major escalation in military and/or
    security activity. They will attempt to create false linkages between Ghandian
    demonstrators in Gaza and al CIAduh Terrorists in the U.S. train system and
    other venues, because “they hate our freedoms”.

    In today’s Warcast Media Reality Show Cartoon, they just have to “rumor” the
    links from unnamed experts in the CIA “think tanks” to give the idea a hundred
    million bucks worth of exposure and an indefinite lifetime on the Iway. We are
    going to see this type of operation on steroids this next several weeks, watch
    closely as all the big feeding sharks of profiteering join the churn and work to
    create the backgrounding for the next level of violence throughout the world to
    drown out the pesky peaceniks.

    Alex James has composed a couple of very powerful toolboxes which will bring you
    the best of the worldwide web for helping people see through the web of lies.
    Because of the length of these documents, composed of tons of links, I will send
    these separately.

    Prison Planet Dot Com provides a ten point list which summarizes the whole case
    which demonstrates the Bin Laden Myth as a contrived myth. Get this and use it
    as your ammunition box.


    We are all little kids in Gaza now pointing to the Naked Emporer and exclaiming
    the obvious. Doesn’t matter whether its high or low vibrations, nor what color
    the cat, sting like bees.

    Watch for information which comes out of Pakistan. The Pak’s are hopping mad AND
    they have the real facts on the ground. From the witnesses in Pakistan will come
    the final elements in the proof that the Obummerites are lying through their
    fabulous white teeth.

    Keep in mind that the political class which has control of the Anglo-American
    establishments are in fabulous over-reach. They drink their own Kool-Aid. They
    no longer can pose a valid argument which rests on the gravity of simple facts.
    Unbalancing them will take not nearly so much as before. Those who are caught
    up in the insanity will never let go of their insanity, but those who
    fundamentally distrust the elites, which includes the greater portion of
    humankind, can be led out of this barrel of the mad bad monkeys.

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