Thursday, December 23, 2010

Julian Assange

I have followed this man for a number of years now and until this last 2 weeks (December 2010)
I have had absolute faith in him and his actions regarding leaked government and corporate information.
I was disappointed that he or WikiLeaks did not take a more active role in assisting Private Bradley Manning but on reflection I could maybe understand the reasons.
JA is a very unusual man he is part of generation X. The generation who faced an uncertain, ill-defined (and perhaps hostile) future, but relating to his work that is immaterial. He has become the face of WikiLeaks and if he is the conduit for the truth out regarding deeply embedded corruption in our governments bravo.
WikiLeaks and the continued release of cablegate documents is much bigger than one man now and in my humble opinion he should step down from his position as editor in chief. His resignation should then disassociate his personal troubles from the actual work of WikiLeaks. If his heart still wants the truth he will know that this is the best response he can make to prove to the doubters his intentions.
And doubters are many just now and I will put my hand up here I feel he has let his ego not his heart drive his actions.
There are many theories of JA being connected to the ptb could this be correct?
My inner-self tells me that ~they~ are using and controlling Julian Assange some how, ie is being manipulated by the elite.
Is a market crash around the corner? is cablegate and other secret documents an illusion to cover up the other disasters economic and planetary? Distraction is the tool, false flags of information to lead the sheeple away from the engineered downfall of twawki. Once again my humble opinion.
I am going with my heart and say that he has been used as a scapegoat.
We were given the same hero type messenger when Obama was running for US President - false hope.
We are fed this false hope but in the background ~they~ are creating chaos!
If Assange is really what he says a mainstream counter-journalist then he needs to be more careful than he has been ie; bedfellows, because now he's paying the price. They are hanging him out to dry. Broken condoms and all!
I think (and this is just my opinion) that he is probably genuine, but being used as a pawn.
This has been hard for me to write as I feel once again I have been controlled/manipulated just like Assange?


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chela said...

Comment translated: French - detected to English translation
You have good points there, so I always check your blog, it seems that you are an expert in this field. keep up the good work, My friend recommended your blog.
My french is not very good, I'm from Germany.
Merci pour vos aimables paroles, je comprends que les gens peuvent voir la vérité que j'ai essayer d'apporter ici. chela