Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sodium Bicarbonate and Prostate Cancer

As there has been some interest I will present some more information.
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Prostate Cancer
(NaturalNews) Bicarbonate of soda or baking soda to cure cancer? The amazing abundance of alternative cancer cures is more than most of us know, close to 400! The more notorious alternative cancer cures are the ones that get attacked viciously by the Medical Monopoly. Those cures are the ones that begin to develop into public practices that threaten their monopoly.

Then there are those inexpensive non-toxic remedies that slip by the Medical Monopoly virtually unnoticed. Some become like folk medicines that can be administered individually. This type of application worked for Vernon Johnston. He used baking soda and molasses as the driving force to recover from aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer, which had even metastasized into his bone matter!

After Vernon was diagnosed, Vernon`s brother Larry told him to work on raising his pH because cancer cannot thrive in a high or alkaline pH. Larry recommended cesium chloride to raise Vernon`s pH levels into a high alkaline level physiologically. Cesium chloride is another one of those alternative cancer remedies that are not well known.

Cesium treatment protocols used by doctors in conjunction with ozone or DMSO had a 50% cure rate. But this unimpressive cure rate, albeit better than orthodox treatments, included patients who had received some or all of the surgery, radiation and toxic chemotherapy that the AMA could offer.

Often these patients were drastically weakened with many of their non-cancerous cells destroyed and some organs damaged. Sometimes they were sent home to die. It`s estimated that at least 90% of cancer patients go through orthodox treatments before attempting to use natural alternative cures.

Vernon did not undergo any harmful orthodox treatments after he was diagnosed. He optimistically ordered the cesium chloride. But it got lost in the mail, or so it seemed. So he frantically looked for another source of raising his pH level into the alkaline range.

That`s when he discovered the remedy of baking powder or bicarbonate of soda with maple syrup. Not having maple syrup in his kitchen, he decided to use the molasses that was handy. He was anxious to kill the cancer before it killed him.

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