Saturday, July 08, 2006

Jesus Male or Female

You have to keep following in mind. The Gospels were written 30 years (!) after Jesus died. People lied all the history back then. Of course they made things up. The Gospels are trying to blame the Jews on the death of Jesus, while in fact she was murdered by what became later the
psychs. They felt threatened by her abilities.

The catholic church took the early belief in past lives out of their Christian scriptures, approx. around year 500, is said, and they also gave Jesus the sex change from female to male. It is also completely untrustworthy that they say that Jesus wrote no word. Bet on that she wrote, scroll after scroll, and they are probably collected and hidden away in some still existing German Nazy Psychs secret service headquarters. (Or the Vatican-Chela thought)

Scholars came now to the conclusion that the Three Holy Kings were women too.

Moreover, the Da Vinci Code did not crack the truth. There is a code beyond the Da Vinci Code. Jesus was married, but as she was a woman to a man with same abilities. Even her name suggest that she was a she, if you pronounce it in English.

The American Statute of Liberty is supposed to be Jesus too.
Officially she is not, but inofficially she is.

The suggestion that Jesus was really a woman are interesting.
At a public meeting at the Wayside Chapel about 30 years ago a speaker
said that many of the sayings attributed to Jesus in the gospels are the sort of things a woman would say.

According to a spiritualistic type of book titled "The Book of El Daoud the Father-King" first published in 1923 but recently republished by Kessinger, Jesus was the female half of the spiritual duality Arbal-Arbel, a woman incarnate in the male body of Jesus for karmic reasons in that life, and her male half, who had been incarnate as John the Baptist but beheaded before the crucifixion, took her place on the cross, the changeover having occurred at the time Jesus stumbled and fell while carrying the cross on the way to calvary.

She will not come after the Jews. She will go after suppressive people, as those kind of people that are against spirituality, those that became later the psychiatrists, who invade the minds of people and control and degrade them.

When you meet your friend on the road of discussion, let the spirit in you move your thoughts and direct your hand in writing the truth.

Let the voice within your voice speak to the ear in his ear; for his soul will keep the truth of your heart as the taste of the wine is remembered, and the color of the wine like you is forgotten and the vessel is no more.

People don't seem to understand the difference between the physical body and the spirit occupying it. To help them understand, they should read Paul Brunton's description of his out of body experience that happened to him during his night inside the great pyramid of Gizeh, in
his book "A Search in Secret Egypt"

Saying that the male body of Arbel-Jesus was pack raped is saying that it was pack raped by a gang of homosexuals.

I don't believe it ever happened. It would have been more likely to have happened if Arbel-Jesus had incarnated in a female body, because of the depraved nature of males at that time.

Even then she would have been protected by her magic powers in one way or another.

The reason the crucifixion was allowed to happen to her male half, Arbal-Jesus, was because he knew it was the final hard karma that had to be paid by him as a result of the spiritual Fall that had happened to him as a result of obeying the promptions of Satanaku instead of listening to the voice of God in Atlantis thousands of years earlier.
A distorted version of the story is in the Biblical story of Cain and Abel. "The Book of El Daoud" gives a different one. It would not be acceptable to Pauline Christians or the tribe of Judah.

According to the book of El Daoud however, sometimes, for the gaining of experience or the working out of karma, male spirits incarnate in female bodies and female spirits incarnate in male ones, and the result is women acting as men, men as women.

I once read in a book on Edgar Cayce's story of Jesus that Jesus laughed while carrying his cross to Calvary.
I suppose that would have been after Arbal replaced Arbel in the body of Jesus

Of course Jesus had a physical father, who was Joseph. According to the book of El Daoud, God is not an adulterer who would take the wife of another, as the churches would have us believe with their story of the virgin birth. "El Daoud" was alledgedly incarnate as Joseph, the father of Jesus.

There is also no doubt that many people that had a male time track are now female and the other way around, but it is not by the free choice of the beings.
A being picks up a body of the gender he had before. Jesus did not mix her identities. She was always a woman, however, God, has different identities, some male, some female, but they continue to pick a body of the same gender. In the beginning they made the choice what they
wanted to be, and they sticked to it. People that change their gender getting homosexual feelings.

"Self Analysis in Scientology" (1953) L. Ron Hubbard he wrote, in the chapter on creative processing instructions:

"Imagination is alright so long as you know it is imagination. It's only when one confuses it with reality that one gets into trouble"

However, some people seem to confuse fantasies like the stories of Xenu, his bts and the R6 bank with reality. They also think that creative processing as used in "Self Analysis in Scientology" "stiffens up" the reactive bank, because they think creative processing doesn't involve inspection. Sometimes creation doesn't involve inspection such as when a person unknowingly creates an imaginary person who he believes is real and has a conversation with
it, without realising that he has created it. That would stiffen up his reactive bank and he would be well on the "way south".

But creative processing such as that used in "Self Analysis in Scientology" did use inspection, in the end of session exercise for instance. That was the very essence of it - inspecting, deciphering
and understanding one's mockups. Also Ron said there that if some old historical scene turned up and you thought it might be a memory of a past life to reject it in favour of a purely imaginary mockup. Yet nowadays, by getting people to recall "memories" of past lives,
so-called "past life" therapists and "recovered memory" therapists seem to be encouraging people to fantasise and then to accept their fantasies as real. I realise such fantasies might have a therapeutic value if they enable you to understand and cope with certain conditions that bother you, but still you are believing that the fantasies really happened and are confusing them with reality. The method of "Self Analysis in Scientology" is the superior one.

Before one would accept such stories one should want objective proof that they weren't just imagination.
My past lives have been revealed to me from various sources all of which are in agreement and fit a pattern. The same is the case with my real identity. I am an embodiment of the king of the
Elders, the oldest and most advanced race there is. They were the first beings to emerge from the so called g-dhead and fully developed. My cosmic name is El Daoud. Their job is to oversee the development of humanity and embody on planets to serve as guides and teachers. Without them there would not be much advancement.
Best Regards
Joseph Carter

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