Sunday, July 09, 2006

Go Within

From the book Conversations With Caesar:

We approach a time which had been promised to Earth's
people a very long time ago.
The gifts that will be flowing to Earth soon couldn't
be available to us until the cosmos was in a certain
position. There are gateways that open one into another when
the cosmos are in a certain arrangement. It means that your
universe is open to the powers that come from the center
of all universes. That is where the ultimate creator force
The cosmos would look like gears, one gear moving another
until there is a pathway that has direct access to this
power source. Many are aware that the cosmos seems like
a hugh spinning wheel which is rather flat. There is one
opening to the higher powers, & as the wheel moves,
each part will have its turn at this light. It takes
millions of years to reach the point of this entranceway.
Earth is approaching this entranceway. The transit thru
the opening will take about one thousand years. Where
the gifts are the greatest, the chance to enhoy this
opportunity is rather short in the entire cycle.

Those who are able to use these energies for growth &
energy retrieval will advance beyond your greatest
imaginings. You could advance beyond your Atlantean
advancements. Hopefully, Earth has learned its lessons
regarding power & control & the ability to destroy
thru tech. advancements.

Sharing is a stumbling block for many; yet it is at
the core of this advancement.
Sharing of Earth's blessings in the form of food,
the mineral kingdom, energy sources, & the sharing of
love & soul qualities is the test of the near future.
Those who are ready for the test & pass it will be
the keepers of the new earth.

Earth is advancing & preparing herself for these souls.
The very construction of cells is changing.
They are moving from being carbon based to being light based.
The light will seem to have similarities to a silicon cell
of crystal. The very cells of human beings, plants, trees,
rocks will all have the ability to reflect light. Light
is a signature of God. God is light, & these new cells will
reflect what God is.

Those who inherit this New Earth will be very happy
It will be a lifetime of longevity, since cells will
be able to rejuvenate themselves. Humankind will
learn how to lengthen cellular life thru sound,
light & mental thought. Energy sources will become
available from sunlight. Fossil fuels will be
The constant withdrawl of oil causes the interior
of the Earth to become unstable. The shifting
rock beneath the Earth's plate causes earthquakes
& radical weather changes.

Those who do not have the ability to live in harmony
with the New Earth will leave.
Some will die & move on to other dimensions.
The New Earth will seem the same & the appearance
will be similar, Except for the colors & feelings
of peace.
Only those of like minds & abilites will
exsist there.
They will only be allowed thru vibration.
That is the movement of body purification & sloughs
off all negative thoughts & desires.
The New Earth is not ready yet, but quickly forming.
Patterns (gridlines)of energy are being put in
place around the Earth now. The divine blueprint for
advancement. This is not the only planet where the
gridlines have been put into place.
The Creator forces offer all of their creations,
other planetary sytems the same benefits.
Stay close to your spiritua lroots. Calm the motions
in any way you are able. Seek God.
There will be dark days before there will be light,
but there will be support during those times.
Earth will rock from earth changes, it is only
cleansing itself.
There is nothing to fear, God is with you.
Attune yourself to the thought God is Love.
Peace & Love is the path towards enlightenment.
Go within.

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