Monday, July 10, 2006

Earth Changes & Survival

The earth will rock from Earth changes. Understand that
the Earth will survive, it is only cleansing itself.
The animals, in particular will be disturbed, since the
noises they hear coming from the core of the Earth
will change. Large ammmals have been beaching themselves
because the change causes sound that moves thru the water
at great speeds. To a whale, the sounds are loud &
they are compounded by the sounds of human equipment,
such as submarines. The whales eardrums have been
damaged, so they beach themselves because they are confused.
They do not sense the parameters of their homes.
They can't tell the difference between water & shore.
This will intensify. This will continue until the tear
in the amosphere is complete & the divisions move
between vibrational levels. It will end as abruptly as it
started. There is nothing to fear.
It is important to fill your mind with loving thoughts.
Think on this frequently every day: God is Love.
Feel how these thoughts effect your body. Negative Info.
thru sight & sound constanty bombards your mind thru
the news. It is not a good idea to go to bed after hearing
negative thoughts. Free yourself of these negative
thoughts. Fill your mind with God is Love.
Say it often enough that you believe it thru your feelings
of love & hope.
Sound is an entryway to the subconscious.
Peaceful thoughts & soothing music change your entire
emotional makeup, very powerful tools. You will train
yourself, so that as soon as you hear the melody,
your body will start relaxing.
Consciously allow the thinking part of your being to
sink into your body. Close your eyes & think of the
curve of your foot, your legs, knees, until you reach your
This immerses you into the physical, so that you can
Begin to feel again the messages your body is sending you.
If you feel discomfort in a part of your body, think
about it. Concentrate upon it & you might understand
why it hurts. If you do not get a message, your mere
acknowledging it will send a sensation of love towards it.
You are a part of God, & your thought of acknowledgement
is a loving energy that is being beamed to the
discomfort in your body. Your body needs your
acknowledgement more then you think.
Every part of your body has consciousness.
When your body combines the sum of its parts, it must
feel peace & love.
My piece of the puzzle of happiness is just this exercise.
Your body & mind must be coordinated with feelings
of peace & contentment. Do this exercise very day & you
will start to see a calmness overtake your personality.
Peace is the beginning of a path towards enlightment.
The desire to allow all to find their happiness & to give
them their freedeom is the beginning of living in the now
& advancement in your own life. This is the first step
towards the new life that Earth will bring. This simple
method if made a habit, will open a doorway to your
soul that will start to open visions of the future for
yourself, because it is a connection to your own soul.
Your higher mind understands what is on the horizon for
Earth. You planned to be present during these changes.
The reason you feel you are alone on these journeys is
because you have not connected with your own higher mind.
Connect with your higher mind & live under your own direction.
Your soul has the experiences of all your past lifetimes.
It can connect into your past & understand your failings
& your strengths. No one else can give you this Info.
That is why Jesus admonished you to go within & find the
kingdom of God. It is your decision as to where you will
go during these changes & how you will live your future.
We just want you to learn how to go within, & we are
giving you the opportunity to find that doorway.

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