Saturday, June 10, 2006

World Peace

World Peace: World peace is a future ideal of freedom, peace and happiness among and within all nations.
So says Wikipedia.

A future ideal! Get real, what do we want, we want World Peace Now!!

Well I grew up thinking that Peace was a right that every citizen had, but that was way back in the fifties.

Today Peace is an elusive state of being.

We can achieve personal Peace, that is a individual state of being, something that we all have a choice on how we create our own personal Peace.

But Peace in our world, our nations seems to be unreachable.

I ponder if humans had not become so global, so technically advanced in weapons would we still be able to have kept Peace in our hearts and our way of life?

Peace is obtainable but we must give up a lot for World Peace.

We have become so dependant on material acquisitions to sustain our lives, we have forgotten how to enjoy the simple things.

Our Governments are driven by the power of oil, uranium, precious metals, why?
How much money and power does one country need?

To have World Peace we must look beyond the material world and look at the human and natural world.

Our leaders are democratically (sic) taking over nations in the quest for power.

Oil and mineral rich countries, why not the 3rd world countries where people are starving, sick and dying, why do we not send our troops in with aid to help these unfortunates, why, because there is nothing to gain in helping the needy.

Instead of spending the billions of dollars on war, we could reallocate those dollars to provide aid and medicines for the heart warming gratification of just helping others.

Oh, I have my rose tinted glasses on, sorry.

World Peace seems a dream, but wait!

We elect the politicians, you know that word democracy, well we own it don't we?

Most of our rights are slowly being taken from us but we can still make a difference.

In these times it is becoming more and more dangerous to speak out, even something as simple as my few words here. Whilst preparing these words I am very aware that I must be guarded and careful what I say or I could be charged with !

We do not even have to right to free speech anymore.

But we can make a difference, we can become active in our protests, we can bring change.

How? we have to work together.

Join a Peace Group, join a anti-war group, join any group where your beliefs are on the agenda.

We the people of this world and only us can make World Peace a real state of being.

We are many, we are the ones, now not later, NOW.

Work for World Peace it can be achieved.

Let us combine our desires, our words, our energies, our love of Peace, we are many.

Hold your loved ones hand, hold your neighbours hand, hold you workmates hand, hold your friends hand.

Then hand in hand we can take back our world and live in Peace.

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