Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama about Japan Radiation

See videos linked below - english translation available
Prof. Kodama Angry about Japanese Gov.'s Gross Negligence
Key information about what radioisotopes do, like the alpha radiation used in Japan to treat cancer called Thorotrast that caused liver cancer 30 years later, by genetic mutation of...yes, P53! gene, implicated in a number of other cancers besides liver but esp damaging to the liver. Very detailed info of how genetic damage happens in stages, starting with P53 and his specialty, bladder cancer since Chernobyl where P38 Map Kinase and NF Kappa B genetic mutations occur. He says first proliferative cystitis happens then bladder cancer! Remember when baking soda used to be the 'cure' for bladder cancer. Well, it's too late at that point! Baking soda works to clear out daily exposure to alpha particles to flush them out of the urinary tract before they stick to tissue and start to damage the cells around the particles.

Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama is the head of the Radioisotope Center at the University of Tokyo in charge of 27 radioisotope centers, with a charter to monitor and decontaminate radiation in Japan.

Background from part 1:
'The uranium equivalent is equal to 20 Hiroshima bombs...more frightening is that radiation from a nuclear bomb will decrease to one-thousandth while radiation from a plant will only decrease to one-tenth...when a vast amount of (alpha) radiation is released it is disbursed in super-fine particles (like sand melting out of synthetic resin it's contained in)..dispersion is non-linear, non-concentric, very difficult to assess the fluid dynamics of..when it rains anything that absorbs water absorbs huge amounts of radiation particles..what happens is like the rice straw getting contaminated and fed to cattle that have internal radiation...there are better ways to measure radiation than the gov't provided...personal survey meters must be distributed (in Japanese language) while food can be measured using semiconductor imaging detectors..after three months the government has done NOTHING to decontaminate the soil, air, and food supply.

He goes on in Prt 2 to describe exactly how radiation damages DNA, breaking strands into single strands and four strands that makes those exposed very vulnerable to disease, especially children and foetuses. He explains in great detail what the different types of radioactive isotopes do to the body parts, esp. hair, blood, and intestinal/urinary epithelium - major damage. He makes recommendations to save the children of Japan and asks why the government's hands appear to be tied to initiate the national radiation protection program. The irony is simply excruciating. Japan knows exactly what the genetic damage is due to alpha radiation. There is a first hit to genetic damage then 20-30 years later the earlier exposure shows up in leukemia and liver cancer. His take on the children is, of course, that the excuse of not having proof of a causal relationship of radiation and cancer from final data of epidemiology studies, will not help children with serious exposure to alpha radiation from getting these cancers 20 years later, or sooner, since the alpha particles are continuing to bioaccumulate in Japan. Shoot, I need to continue my Japanese classes so I can read the research of the Bioassay Research Center regarding health effects of chemical compounds. This guy knows what he is talking about and he is heavy hitting the facts and recommendations, very impressive lesson in health damage due to alpha radiation. He's also asking that the rad testing centers be permitted to test for Cesium since not all of them have permission to decontaminate this type of radiation so the Cesium laden materials remain in areas of high radioactivity. He says it's illegal to move it, everything is illegal. Why are you tying our hands?

More bad news, I heard there's been a 6.2 not far from Hamaoka plant? Lord have mercy on everyone regarding radiation exposure. This is the best we can do globally? I think NOT. Do you know how long a commitment it will take to get rid of a global octopus that sees people as human capitol to be dealt with as cheaply and efficiently as possible? The Japanese PTB see the problem as one of money and power over human life, even the lives of their children. I think their government is so full of themselves, they are incapable to handle permanent and emergency aspects of radiation contamination. God speed the Jpn people to mobilize and demand the end of treating people like they were manufactured commodities. This guy says you can't treat people all the same, nor put an exclusion zone of certain miles around a plant and call your work 'done.' There are 3 million gene locations that make each one of us different. Alpha particle deposition if non-linear. Minamisoma kids are in an area that by grace, happens to have less radiation in the air but is in the exclusion zone, so what do they do? They bus them at a horrendous expense, every day, to Iwaki/Iwate prefecture to inhale air that is more contaminated with radiation. The people in charge have no idea what they are dealing with yet they do not want to give up their power, how pathetic is that?

Prof. Kodama ends by asking what the (hell) the Diet is doing when 70,000 people were forced out of their homes and are now wandering..that's all.

Part 1

Part 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please all of you, do speak also about what can be done to drive out radioactivity as much as possible out of your body and also get repaired your cells. Their are very precise guidelines.

Just type RADIOACTIVITY DETOX on google.

It's trustful and full of sens, Do get away as far as possible of theses radiation sources is necessary anyway.