Thursday, August 11, 2011

Economic Collapse of the World Currencies

Below are comments by a man I have complete trust and faith in, his words sometimes are anti but mostly he rings true. He is responding to a youtube video link is below if you want to view it. I do not want to embed here. Like Micheal says Love Prevails

MWM responds: Thanks Janis for sending it. It is useful foil for what to avoid.
It is grade B propaganda for a theme and not at all prophetic. It has several
fallacies. Here's the basic. The pirate class pays the salaries of the world's
best mathematicians and computers. The inventors of "game theory" were Jews and
have been long hired up into the hierarchy. They know much better than anyone
about the relative values, potential moments of collapse, etc. The Masters of
the Ponzi are the Masters of the Ponzi World. Look, all currency collapsed for
good in the 1930's, that's what the Great Depression was about. They have been
running pure scams since then. This guy's logic is 80 years behind the
realities. The New World Order Scam has a lot more life to it, as they will
attempt to show us very soon. Additionally, keep in mind that portions of the
aristocracy has lived through many centuries in unbroken family successions and
collectively they have witnessed many currency collapses, imperial collapses,
etc. Some portions of them have developed an entirely different knowledge base
and ideological world understanding about how to manipulate their societies
through these deconstruction and fire-sale times. They live in a completely
different "reality" than you and I and we are almost completely ignorant of
their reality construct. We can merely guess at so far a distance, which is of
course exactly how they want it and go to great lengths to maintain. The
aristocracies learned this trick several millennia ago. Notice almost none of
them EVER speak publically about a serious issue. Wouldn't be seemly, as GHW
Bush might say. Do you think they are eunuchs? Nope, it is because they do
not think the public is entitled to be involved in their discussions. It is
always nobodies from nowhereland who seem to be speaking (hired finger puppets
on the stage). They are pros at stealing from Peter to pay Paul to rob Jack
blind, and so it goes.

Massive fear of the collapse of the dollar plays into the hands of their
bankster's hands in many ways. It makes absolutism and Darwinism socially
acceptable on many levels to allow autocratic measures to be used with maximum
force. But since THEY determine if the dollar is worth something, (it certainly
isn't you or I), I think you can smell the rat here.

Like wars, these crises are now merely tools of the Feudal Lords. In the long
historical struggle of several hundred years since the Renaissance, which pit
the feudalists against the merchant pirates, industrialists, the idealists of
the ideologies, and the organizers of mass movements, the Feudal Lords have more
or less won. For a while it looked like the isms would win out, but this turned
out to be an illusion. The aristocratic world view of conceited self-chauvinism,
otherwise known as narcissism, has clearly become the dominating and ruling
force in this generation and there is no other competition in formal view.

It is not a dollar collapse to fear, dear Janis, but a driving economic squeeze
to reduce the incomes of people to induce them into greater robotic behaviours
to support the next imperial military expansion under Dear Leader(s) who offer
Change We Can Believe so that more idiots can be sent abroad to murder more
little brown people to make the Never Never-Land Shining City On The Hill safe
and secure for some obscure myths called democracy and freedom.

The Whip and the Carrot. Laugh at them both, Janis, and the hand which
proffers them. Laugh, laugh, laugh, and when their fund raisers, pollsters, and
military recruiters call, tell them to go pick up a truckload of blue cheese on
the Moon.

Meanwhile stare down this video below and see through its mongering. Mind you,
the believable portion is that there will be violence in all of the places
mentioned. Yes, of course, that will all be part of the drama of the squeeze.
A lot of people need a good emotional release. The V meme is widely
distributed. When invited, some will go for a pig roast and barbeque on a
summer night.

However, it all goes, all this reactionary fleeing, to nowhere so long as the
pirate class owns the transmissions of intelligence and control the content of
the memes. The only way out of this madness is a consolidated universal push
for an exact agenda, call it the Human Agenda, which dissolves the aristocratic

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