Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Climate Change "Get Up" Thank You

Congratulations! Last Sunday the news bulletins reported Australians had called out with a resounding 'Yes' to cutting carbon pollution.

It was an incredible day as almost 45,000 Australians in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra stood together for a clean energy future for our children and our grandchildren.

Did you see the news coverage? From 12 year old Jack speaking at the Sydney rally, to 92 year old Beth being sung happy birthday by 10,000 people - check out this video of the day's best moments:
In Adelaide, a few people came with a sign which read 'No Carbon Tax' and they moved to the front of the crowd right in front of the stage and the cameras.

So I talked to them. I introduced myself, we shook hands and talked about our different views. It turns out we had more common groud than we expected. This particular group wanted climate action, they just weren't sure a tax was the way. I want climate action and I think getting our biggest polluters to pay to clean up and using the money to invest in renewables is a good start. So we laughed a bit that we agreed with each other and I gave them signs that said 'Say Yes to Climate Action' and they held them through the rally instead.

I think this story shows how important it is to have the conversation with people about what a price on carbon pollution really is. More often then not when we have this conversation we find that many in the community have been misinformed.

That's why we have to bypass the media and take the facts directly to our friends, family and neighbours. Can you join us in our new effort to try to have 1 million of these conversations this week?

We've put together a community letter that explains that the carbon tax will be something the 1,000 biggest polluters pay, not households. Money from the carbon price should be invested in measures that make an environmental difference like investment in clean energy sources such as wind and solar and in innovation to find new ways to make our economy low carbon.

Together we can defeat the scare tactics and lies of big industry set on protecting their already super-sized profits, and instead choose a safe climate future.

Congratulations on an amazing weekend. Here's to keeping up the fight all the way until we have a price on pollution!

Thank you.

Skye, for the GetUp Team

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