Thursday, March 17, 2011

Criminal negligence in Japan?

Criminally negligent TEPCO Execs not the Exception in Japan but the Rule
by quin Thursday, Mar 17 2011, 4:24am

A little familiarity with Japanese history reveals a tradition of criminal corruption and deception from the highest echelons of society to the lowest – it’s a way of life! The deceptive and criminal behaviour of directors at Tokyo Electric, which included falsifying safety records and hiding rather than correcting problems at nuclear power plants, stems from a certain privileged class consciousness that considers itself above the law and regards the masses as nothing better than (expendable) serfs.

Apologies from these Corporatists came only after it became obvious that the reactors were out of control and the situation would end in disaster. This hollow gesture was nothing more than a feign, designed to quell the anger of average Japanese. However, it fell short of satisfying the most liberal and forgiving Japanese, as the arrogance of the directors and insincerity of the apology could easily be detected by foreigners – how much more the Japanese! The appropriate course of action is known to the failed directors but they are liars, cheats and cowards and have no stomach for traditional rituals of contrition and saving honour.

Nevertheless, nuclear technology does not fall from the sky and responsibility for the nuclear disaster must be shared with all involved parties.

The chief designers for the Dai-ichi reactors are American; the multinational company General Electric or ‘GE,’ as it is known, is largely responsible for the faulty design of the reactors. However, the responsibility for safety falls directly on the shoulders of Japanese executives and government officials – most of whom, as is now painfully apparent, are less than honest and forthcoming!

So we look to other means whereby justice is dispensed and it seems the old adage, “whatever goes around, comes around,” applies in the case of the massive radiation leaks from the faulty, American designed Dai-ichi reactors. Eastern cultures call it Karma; occidentals call it, 'reaping what you sow!’

In an ironic twist, it seems the poisonous and highly toxic radiation that has been released into the atmosphere from the Fukushima reactors, is heading for North America via natures medium of transportation, the North Pacific jet stream!

Residents on the Pacific coasts of Canada and the US have been frantically buying Potassium Iodide tablets as if it is some miracle substance. But panic turns the most cynical into drivelling believers.

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