The Big Idea
The beat returns - Friday Sept. 17, 2010, 7:00 PM
Maybe it is ridiculous to think we can change the world. We know it is ridiculous not to try. Are we simply victims of fate, or are we creating a fate that will victimize us? This is a Global Event that will use drumming to focus a collective positive intention, then send it around the world in a continuous wave to improve our relationship with each other, and with a living planet upon which we live, breath, and have our being. 10 Billion Beats started in Sept. 2009. It grew and grew until nearly 200,000 people participated around the globe. In 2010 the grassroots movement will be even bigger and we invite you to be a part of it. We are not trying to have the world's largest drum circle, we are trying help people stand with each other around the globe through the uncertain times ahead.
"It is quite true that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently takeplace at those points where two different lines of thought meet..."
Werner Heisenberg
Sound - vibration - frequency - beat has for millennia been an avenue for outward creation and inner exploration. When we listen to the lilt of a mountain brook, or the rhythm of a human heart, sound provides us a pathway to the subtle energies in the deep reaches of our psyche. When we attune with the rhythm of those around us we join in the harmonious dance of life. Sound interconnects us with others and transports us to consciousness states where we encounter insight, healing, growth, and our highest creativity. So what might happen if we use the sound of drumming—like a physical prayer or meditaion—to help balance our relationship as a human family and with the Earth itself?
The human heart beats billions of times in a life. The human brain has about 10 billion cells that connect our nervous system and exchange innumerable signals every moment to create our thoughts and direct life functions. While 10 billion seems like a hugh number, to be human is to engage grand scale operations each time we simply take a breath. We have overlooked the magnitude of what it takes to be human and as we approach 10 billion humans on this earth, we have underestimated the effects of our existence on the planet. With, or without, our cooperation, nature will bring balance to the relationship.
This is an intention experiment.
It seems that somewhere deep within our collective psyche, for as long as humankind has been able to voice it, people have been predicting a world-ending catastrophe accompanied by a last minute rescue from some higher source. Gifted seers like early warning radar, have predicted that some enormous change will occur in this creation. Shamans have prophesied this "great turning" in indigenous villages, every religious tradition has recorded some description of it in their scripture, and like a weather-change many sentient beings that walk this planet sense something in their bones. 2012, Rapture, Earth Changes, Ascension, The End of Days, we don't know what is coming. For many it is a cause for alarm, for others a reason for joy. It is not our wish to challenge your religious beliefs or question that which brings you solace. Whatever the case turns out to be, in this coming period more will be asked of us. Whether it is in a New Heaven, on a New Earth, or walking more miles in the same pair of shoes, we should be asking, "How can we help create the world we all can live in, now, and come 2013?"
We will use positive intention to affect the uncertain times we sense and benefit every life on the planet.
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