Grandfather Sitting Bull
Tunkasila Tatanka Iyotan Itancan
(Hunkpapa Oyate)
From Medicine Chief of the Star Clans of Turtle Island
("The Medicine Chiefs are the Spirit of the People," Pezuta Itancan, MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN.)
"It is the time to be prepared."
"We watch."
"There is a darkness. that is fear.
You, who have walked the Path of Light, have talked to many.
Those who have walked in darkness come to you seeking the Light.
You have given them the Word, but they pretended to be deaf even as you spoke ―
louder, stronger, stronger with much Love in your Heart ―
they still refused to let go of the dark and walk a Path of Light."
"The time of wasting time is now finished.
The Light Walkers are to prepare themselves for the next step.
The Light Walkers feel the darkness pulling, pulling them down,
pulling them away from the Light Path."
"Light Walkers, prepare yourselves for the next mission.
You will walk beyond the darkness of those who refuse to serve the Light.
You must walk away from those who refuse to see Truth,
to accept Truth within their hearts."
"Light Walker, it is time to continue forward upon your Path.
The Circle comes together.
You are to be part of it.
All Light Walkers are part of it, have always been part of it.
In the darkness, there is nothing but fear
The People are coming to you bringing the darkness of their fear.
You must walk away.
Unless your heart tells you that this one is 'sacred',
a sacred Light Walker that needs to see,
walk away."
"Those that continue to walk a path of dark will have to walk alone towards the Light.
The time of guiding others by the hand is coming to an end.
For, even the Children see the Light Path and have their feet upon it.
No one needed show them The Way.
They are guided by their heart and the Truth that has always been before them."
"The Circle continues to take on more and more solid form which all will see.
The New Earth is upon us.
The Mother is preparing herself.
She is healing.
She longs for the day that the Circle will bring the Light Energy directly to Her Heart.
She is ready for Her Transformation."
"You are never alone.
We are beside you,
We are before you, and
We are behind you,
protecting you as you go.
Look to the Heavens and know there is great help there.
The greatest guidance comes from the Stars."
"Although We love all mankind,
We are saddened by some of their choices.
It saddens us to let so many go, but the choice was theirs.
We see the sadness of the Light Walkers,
the Tears when they leave a loved one behind."
"Call upon us for Strength to help you.
We give you this message so you will understand:
You are LOVE.
You are LOVED."
"There is always help.
When you reach up,
when you call on us,
We are already there.
We have Strong Hearts.
We have Strong Arms.
Feel our loving energy around you."
"Some think we do not care, but We do.
Listen to your heart.
We are there.
We see the struggles.
We see the weariness.
"Although your preparation has been long and difficult,
We are sending Strength and Guidance to help you prepare even more."
"No one is ever forgotten.
Remember, always, always remember:
We are here.
We have answers.
All We have and All We are is yours."
"When in doubt,
Look up.
Open your Heart.
The answer will come.
We have many messengers.
Each one has the ability to Hear our Words.
We talk to everyone.
Some just listen better than others."
"Your Path is not as long as it used to be, so be Joyous.
The Circle gets brighter.
The Gold is in sight."
"Stand Tall.
Talk Straight.
And, Speak the Truth."
"O sa da dv.
All is well.
All is as it should be.
All is as it is."
Mitakuye Oyasin."
January 8, 2009
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
GM Crops from WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Sought to Retaliate Against Europe over Monsanto GM Crops
This cable proves, once and for all, that there is a global GMO conspiracy where government operatives work in secret to push Monsanto’s GMO agenda while punishing opponents of GMOs and adding them to a “target retaliation list.”
This cable also proves that NaturalNews has been right all along about the GMO conspiracy, and that GMO opponents such as Jeffrey Smith are battling what can only be called an evil conspiracy to control the world’s food supply. It also proves that when Alex Jones talks about the global conspiracy to control the world food supply, he’s not just ranting. He’s warning about the reality of the world in which we now live.
As Jeffery Smith said today in a Democracy Now interview:
“We’ve been saying for years that the United States government is joined at the hip with Monsanto and pushing GMOs as part of Monsanto’s agenda on the rest of the world. This lays bare the mechanics of that effort. We have Craig Stapleton, the former ambassador to France, specifically asking the U.S. government to retaliate and cause some harm throughout the European Union.”
This cable proves, once and for all, that there is a global GMO conspiracy where government operatives work in secret to push Monsanto’s GMO agenda while punishing opponents of GMOs and adding them to a “target retaliation list.”
This cable also proves that NaturalNews has been right all along about the GMO conspiracy, and that GMO opponents such as Jeffrey Smith are battling what can only be called an evil conspiracy to control the world’s food supply. It also proves that when Alex Jones talks about the global conspiracy to control the world food supply, he’s not just ranting. He’s warning about the reality of the world in which we now live.
As Jeffery Smith said today in a Democracy Now interview:
“We’ve been saying for years that the United States government is joined at the hip with Monsanto and pushing GMOs as part of Monsanto’s agenda on the rest of the world. This lays bare the mechanics of that effort. We have Craig Stapleton, the former ambassador to France, specifically asking the U.S. government to retaliate and cause some harm throughout the European Union.”
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Oil Slick BP Tried To Hide Has Been Discovered
BP and the government famously declared that most of the oil had disappeared.
But as I've noted, as much as 98% of the oil is still in the ocean.
I have repeatedly pointed out that BP and the government applied massive amounts of dispersant to the Gulf Oil Spill in an effort to sink and hide the oil. Many others said the same thing.
BP and the government denied this, of course.
But the oil is not remaining hidden.
Indeed, as the Wall Street Journal noted on December 9th:
A university scientist and the federal government say they have found persuasive evidence that oil from the massive Gulf of Mexico spill is settling on the ocean floor.
The new findings, from scientists at the University of South Florida and from a broad government effort, mark the latest indication that environmental damage from the blowout of a BP PLC well could be significant where it's hardest to find: deep under the Gulf's surface.
Scientists who have been on research cruises in the Gulf in recent days report finding layers of residue up to several centimeters thick from what they suspect is BP oil.
The material appears in spots across several thousand square miles of seafloor, they said. In many of those spots, they said, worms and other marine life that crawl along the sediment appear dead, though many organisms that can swim appear healthy.
Tests now have started to link some oil in the sediment to the BP well could add to the amount of money BP ends up paying to compensate for the spill's damage.
The test results also raise questions about the possible downsides of the government's use of chemical dispersants to fight the spill.
Under federal direction, about 1.8 million gallons of dispersants were sprayed on the spilled oil in an effort to break it up into tiny droplets that natural ocean microbes could eat up. At the time, officials said the dispersants shouldn't cause oil from the spill to sink to the seafloor. However, more recently, a federal report said dispersants may have helped some spilled oil sink to the sediment.
Scientific teams have reported in recent months finding a strange substance on the Gulf floor, in some cases as far as about 80 miles from BP's ill-fated Macondo well, which blew out in April and spilled an estimated 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf before it was capped.
Read More
But as I've noted, as much as 98% of the oil is still in the ocean.
I have repeatedly pointed out that BP and the government applied massive amounts of dispersant to the Gulf Oil Spill in an effort to sink and hide the oil. Many others said the same thing.
BP and the government denied this, of course.
But the oil is not remaining hidden.
Indeed, as the Wall Street Journal noted on December 9th:
A university scientist and the federal government say they have found persuasive evidence that oil from the massive Gulf of Mexico spill is settling on the ocean floor.
The new findings, from scientists at the University of South Florida and from a broad government effort, mark the latest indication that environmental damage from the blowout of a BP PLC well could be significant where it's hardest to find: deep under the Gulf's surface.
Scientists who have been on research cruises in the Gulf in recent days report finding layers of residue up to several centimeters thick from what they suspect is BP oil.
The material appears in spots across several thousand square miles of seafloor, they said. In many of those spots, they said, worms and other marine life that crawl along the sediment appear dead, though many organisms that can swim appear healthy.
Tests now have started to link some oil in the sediment to the BP well could add to the amount of money BP ends up paying to compensate for the spill's damage.
The test results also raise questions about the possible downsides of the government's use of chemical dispersants to fight the spill.
Under federal direction, about 1.8 million gallons of dispersants were sprayed on the spilled oil in an effort to break it up into tiny droplets that natural ocean microbes could eat up. At the time, officials said the dispersants shouldn't cause oil from the spill to sink to the seafloor. However, more recently, a federal report said dispersants may have helped some spilled oil sink to the sediment.
Scientific teams have reported in recent months finding a strange substance on the Gulf floor, in some cases as far as about 80 miles from BP's ill-fated Macondo well, which blew out in April and spilled an estimated 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf before it was capped.
GMO and Monsanto poisoning of crops
Boy this just keeps getting worse.
GM canola contaminates organic farm
A West Australian organic farmer has found genetically manipulated (GM) canola seeds contaminating nearly two thirds of his arable land. Australian organic standards mandate zero tolerance for any GM so he will consider suing for financial loss, the first case of its kind in Australia.
Steve Marsh says he used test strips to identify the seeds of GM canola which have blown more than 1.5 km inside his boundary and contaminated about 220 hectares. He believes the seed may have blown in after a neighbouring GM canola farmer swathed the crop to prepare for harvest and the severed dry stalks and seeds became airborne.
Mr Marsh's organic certifiers, the National Association of Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) is conducting an official investigation.
"Our livelihood is at stake as we are a certified organic farm and rely on the premium that comes with selling guaranteed GM-free organic food, in Australia and in overseas markets," Mr Marsh says. “Governments that allow GM canola to be grown must ensure whatever a farmer does within their boundary does not impact on neighbouring farms. But clearly, the technology can’t be contained.
Gene Ethics Cropwatch technician Jessica Harrison says governments have favoured only the GM industry and their growers. “In a letter to Mr Marsh, WA Agriculture Minister Terry Redman recently wrote: ‘... zero per cent thresholds are unrealistic in biological systems’. Yet on March 11 this year, when announcing an end to the GM canola ban, Redman had said: 'The trials proved GM and non-GM canola can be segregated and marketed separately'.
"The government mislead us and now our farmers and consumers are paying the price. Laws need to be enacted to protect the majority of farmers want to stay GM-free. Farmers must be compensated for any loss of premiums and certification that result from GM contamination.
“A majority of people will not buy GM contaminated food products and are flocking to organics but this incident puts that trust under a cloud.
"Canola has been found to sprout for up to sixteen years, according to the Office of Gene Technology Regulator which licensed the crop," Ms Harrison concludes.
GM canola contaminates organic farm
A West Australian organic farmer has found genetically manipulated (GM) canola seeds contaminating nearly two thirds of his arable land. Australian organic standards mandate zero tolerance for any GM so he will consider suing for financial loss, the first case of its kind in Australia.
Steve Marsh says he used test strips to identify the seeds of GM canola which have blown more than 1.5 km inside his boundary and contaminated about 220 hectares. He believes the seed may have blown in after a neighbouring GM canola farmer swathed the crop to prepare for harvest and the severed dry stalks and seeds became airborne.
Mr Marsh's organic certifiers, the National Association of Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) is conducting an official investigation.
"Our livelihood is at stake as we are a certified organic farm and rely on the premium that comes with selling guaranteed GM-free organic food, in Australia and in overseas markets," Mr Marsh says. “Governments that allow GM canola to be grown must ensure whatever a farmer does within their boundary does not impact on neighbouring farms. But clearly, the technology can’t be contained.
Gene Ethics Cropwatch technician Jessica Harrison says governments have favoured only the GM industry and their growers. “In a letter to Mr Marsh, WA Agriculture Minister Terry Redman recently wrote: ‘... zero per cent thresholds are unrealistic in biological systems’. Yet on March 11 this year, when announcing an end to the GM canola ban, Redman had said: 'The trials proved GM and non-GM canola can be segregated and marketed separately'.
"The government mislead us and now our farmers and consumers are paying the price. Laws need to be enacted to protect the majority of farmers want to stay GM-free. Farmers must be compensated for any loss of premiums and certification that result from GM contamination.
“A majority of people will not buy GM contaminated food products and are flocking to organics but this incident puts that trust under a cloud.
"Canola has been found to sprout for up to sixteen years, according to the Office of Gene Technology Regulator which licensed the crop," Ms Harrison concludes.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
TSA Update
Just does not pay to speak the truth - poor guy
Pilot in Hot Water for Exposing Security Flaws
An anonymous 50-year-old airline pilot is in hot water with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) after posting on YouTube a behind-the-scenes tour of what he says are security flaws at San Francisco International Airport.
While airplane passengers go through security screening -- such as with metal detectors, full body scanners and pat downs -- the pilot shows in one of several video clips, recorded with his cell phone, that airport employees at SFO simply swipe a card to go through an unmanned door.
"Well, folks, I just wanted to give you an idea of what type of security for the ground personnel there is. This is their screening. As you can see, there's only a card slide and one door," the pilot says in the video. "And right here's a sign, 'Think security.' Well, I don't think there's much security here."
The pilot, who has been flying for an airline for more than a decade, alerted Sacramento's KXTV when he posted the videos saying he wanted the information to be made public.
Pilot in Hot Water for Exposing Security Flaws
An anonymous 50-year-old airline pilot is in hot water with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) after posting on YouTube a behind-the-scenes tour of what he says are security flaws at San Francisco International Airport.
While airplane passengers go through security screening -- such as with metal detectors, full body scanners and pat downs -- the pilot shows in one of several video clips, recorded with his cell phone, that airport employees at SFO simply swipe a card to go through an unmanned door.
"Well, folks, I just wanted to give you an idea of what type of security for the ground personnel there is. This is their screening. As you can see, there's only a card slide and one door," the pilot says in the video. "And right here's a sign, 'Think security.' Well, I don't think there's much security here."
The pilot, who has been flying for an airline for more than a decade, alerted Sacramento's KXTV when he posted the videos saying he wanted the information to be made public.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Toxic Pet Products
Don't forget what effects us also applies for our pets

Giving Your Pet Cancer
Warning Labels a Must for Toxic Pet Products
By Angela Guss
If you have pets, then you probably know what foods are harmful to them if ingested: onions, grapes, chocolate among them.
But you might not know that something you use to protect your pets from pesky little vermin can also be toxic for them and for your children...
A report in 2000 led to the ban of six dangerous pesticides in pet products, but products — flea and tick collars specifically — containing other toxic chemicals remain on store shelves.
More recently, the settlement from a lawsuit filed by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has led to pet product retailers and manufacturers no longer being allowed to sell flea and tick collars in California that contain a cancer-causing chemical without a warning label.Toxic animals
This seems like a warning label on a toxic product would be a no-brainer. I once bought a bottle of hand lotion that came with a Do Not Eat sticker on it...
So if distributors put a label on hand lotion, why wouldn't they put a toxic label on something that goes around your beloved pet's neck?
“When you pick up a flea collar at the pet store, you just want to stop your dog or cat from scratching; you don’t want to put their health — or your family’s — in jeopardy,” said NRDC Scientist Miriam Rotkin-Ellman.
“Warning labels will now help pet owners better avoid bringing dangerous chemicals into their homes against their will.”
These chemicals are propoxur and tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) both of which are known to damage the brain and nervous system of animals, as well as cause cancer.
Another concern is for children, as they are likely to put their hands in their mouths after petting an animal with chemical residue on their fur, ingesting the hazardous residues.
The NRDC filed the lawsuit against the companies in California Superior Court in Alameda County last year for failing to comply with California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act.
This law prohibits businesses from knowingly exposing consumers to any chemical “known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive harm” without proper warning.
“The bottom line is — these products are so dangerous that they don’t belong on store shelves,” said Rotkin-Ellman.
“EPA, PETCO, PetSmart and the rest of the pet product industry know this and should do the right thing. Ultimately the only way to truly protect people and animals from the toxic, cancer-causing chemicals in flea collars is to ban them from the products altogether.”
For those of you who might want to get the lowdown on safer pet products and practices, the NRDC offers a free online flea and tick product guide ranking more than 125 products, categorizing them by the level of their potential health threat.
Until Next Time, Angela Guss
Giving Your Pet Cancer
Warning Labels a Must for Toxic Pet Products
By Angela Guss
If you have pets, then you probably know what foods are harmful to them if ingested: onions, grapes, chocolate among them.
But you might not know that something you use to protect your pets from pesky little vermin can also be toxic for them and for your children...
A report in 2000 led to the ban of six dangerous pesticides in pet products, but products — flea and tick collars specifically — containing other toxic chemicals remain on store shelves.
More recently, the settlement from a lawsuit filed by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has led to pet product retailers and manufacturers no longer being allowed to sell flea and tick collars in California that contain a cancer-causing chemical without a warning label.Toxic animals
This seems like a warning label on a toxic product would be a no-brainer. I once bought a bottle of hand lotion that came with a Do Not Eat sticker on it...
So if distributors put a label on hand lotion, why wouldn't they put a toxic label on something that goes around your beloved pet's neck?
“When you pick up a flea collar at the pet store, you just want to stop your dog or cat from scratching; you don’t want to put their health — or your family’s — in jeopardy,” said NRDC Scientist Miriam Rotkin-Ellman.
“Warning labels will now help pet owners better avoid bringing dangerous chemicals into their homes against their will.”
These chemicals are propoxur and tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) both of which are known to damage the brain and nervous system of animals, as well as cause cancer.
Another concern is for children, as they are likely to put their hands in their mouths after petting an animal with chemical residue on their fur, ingesting the hazardous residues.
The NRDC filed the lawsuit against the companies in California Superior Court in Alameda County last year for failing to comply with California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act.
This law prohibits businesses from knowingly exposing consumers to any chemical “known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive harm” without proper warning.
“The bottom line is — these products are so dangerous that they don’t belong on store shelves,” said Rotkin-Ellman.
“EPA, PETCO, PetSmart and the rest of the pet product industry know this and should do the right thing. Ultimately the only way to truly protect people and animals from the toxic, cancer-causing chemicals in flea collars is to ban them from the products altogether.”
For those of you who might want to get the lowdown on safer pet products and practices, the NRDC offers a free online flea and tick product guide ranking more than 125 products, categorizing them by the level of their potential health threat.
Until Next Time, Angela Guss
Arthritis Food Can End Your Pain
More on natural cures for this horrid affliction. My hands are affected (bugger)
This Natural Cure For Arthritis Can End Your Pain.
A natural cure for arthritis allowed me to overcome the periodic bouts of pain in my hands and knees that plagued me for half a decade.
Ironically, I found this cure by going after the main health problem in my life: Colitis
Through my teens I was overweight, prone to headaches, backaches, and suffered from regular intestinal problems. By the time I was 17, I started noticing pain in my hands and knees that didn't seem to correlate to any particular injury. The ache would come and go. Sometimes I'd try to grip a pen and and my hand would hurt around the knuckles. If I waited an hour or two it would be gone. Sometimes I'd get out of a chair and find that bending my knees would would randomly hurt.
It was never enough to disable me, but I realized that things weren't getting better. I cut meat, dairy and eggs out of my diet in college, things seemed to get a bit better, but I still had the same periodic yet persistent pain.
A Raw Food Diet Is A Natural Arthritis Cure?
When I tried switching to a raw food diet to fix my colitis I wasn't even thinking about a natural cure for arthritis. All I wanted was an end to my intestinal woes. I went on a diet of just raw fruits, and by month two I realized that my colitis was completely and totally gone, so I added in raw vegetables again. I continued to face periodic bouts of arthritis pain without much thought.
About five months after I started I realized one day that I hadn't had a bout of joint pain in months. Could that be right? Was I forgetting one? More months went by and my suspicion proved correct. I haven't had a bout of pain since.
Why This Natural Cure For Arthritis Works
My arthritis went away because I removed the acid-forming and denatured protein foods from my diet.
Meat and grains are extremely acid forming. Our bodies have no choice but to strip calcium from our bones to counteract it, and this is one source of osteoporosis.
Dr. Doug Graham explains: "Grains contain a substance known as phytic acid. During the process of digestion, the body binds phytic acid with calcium, a powerful alkaline, in order to neutralize its acidity...grains also contain abundant quantities of acid-forming minerals. The body must yield up calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity in grains."
"The list of health problems associated with eating grains is quite long. Asthma, allergies, gluten intolerance, digestive disturbances, yeast infections, various mucus, and congestive conditions, several types of arthritis, and even chronic overeating are all linked with the consumption of grains (2)
When it comes to that meat, dairy and eggs, you have the problem of denatured protein. Proteins become denatured when they're heated. Consumption of denatured proteins has been linked to cancer, rapid aging of the body, and arthritis, amongst other problems(3)
Why Fruit?
Fruit is a delicious, easy to digest, non acid-forming food that can be eaten without negative consequence. I've explained how to adopt a healthy raw food diet here.
The basic idea is that raw fruits and vegetables are the only foods that put virtually no digestive load on the body. They're higher than any other food in vitamins and minerals, and they completely satisfy.
You'll find new vitality and extreme health, as I have, by adopting a raw food diet.
You might also be interested to know that this natural cure for arthritis cures other diseases as well.
Feeling Daunted? Start off easy with a healthy breakfast. It's a good start.
This Natural Cure For Arthritis Can End Your Pain.
A natural cure for arthritis allowed me to overcome the periodic bouts of pain in my hands and knees that plagued me for half a decade.
Ironically, I found this cure by going after the main health problem in my life: Colitis
Through my teens I was overweight, prone to headaches, backaches, and suffered from regular intestinal problems. By the time I was 17, I started noticing pain in my hands and knees that didn't seem to correlate to any particular injury. The ache would come and go. Sometimes I'd try to grip a pen and and my hand would hurt around the knuckles. If I waited an hour or two it would be gone. Sometimes I'd get out of a chair and find that bending my knees would would randomly hurt.
It was never enough to disable me, but I realized that things weren't getting better. I cut meat, dairy and eggs out of my diet in college, things seemed to get a bit better, but I still had the same periodic yet persistent pain.
A Raw Food Diet Is A Natural Arthritis Cure?
When I tried switching to a raw food diet to fix my colitis I wasn't even thinking about a natural cure for arthritis. All I wanted was an end to my intestinal woes. I went on a diet of just raw fruits, and by month two I realized that my colitis was completely and totally gone, so I added in raw vegetables again. I continued to face periodic bouts of arthritis pain without much thought.
About five months after I started I realized one day that I hadn't had a bout of joint pain in months. Could that be right? Was I forgetting one? More months went by and my suspicion proved correct. I haven't had a bout of pain since.
Why This Natural Cure For Arthritis Works
My arthritis went away because I removed the acid-forming and denatured protein foods from my diet.
Meat and grains are extremely acid forming. Our bodies have no choice but to strip calcium from our bones to counteract it, and this is one source of osteoporosis.
Dr. Doug Graham explains: "Grains contain a substance known as phytic acid. During the process of digestion, the body binds phytic acid with calcium, a powerful alkaline, in order to neutralize its acidity...grains also contain abundant quantities of acid-forming minerals. The body must yield up calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity in grains."
"The list of health problems associated with eating grains is quite long. Asthma, allergies, gluten intolerance, digestive disturbances, yeast infections, various mucus, and congestive conditions, several types of arthritis, and even chronic overeating are all linked with the consumption of grains (2)
When it comes to that meat, dairy and eggs, you have the problem of denatured protein. Proteins become denatured when they're heated. Consumption of denatured proteins has been linked to cancer, rapid aging of the body, and arthritis, amongst other problems(3)
Why Fruit?
Fruit is a delicious, easy to digest, non acid-forming food that can be eaten without negative consequence. I've explained how to adopt a healthy raw food diet here.
The basic idea is that raw fruits and vegetables are the only foods that put virtually no digestive load on the body. They're higher than any other food in vitamins and minerals, and they completely satisfy.
You'll find new vitality and extreme health, as I have, by adopting a raw food diet.
You might also be interested to know that this natural cure for arthritis cures other diseases as well.
Feeling Daunted? Start off easy with a healthy breakfast. It's a good start.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The House of Rothschild
FYI - We live in a Matrix of lies and deception
An elite group controls the world. In the current world its the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, Zionism, crooked religions and the industrial-military machine etc.
An elite group controls the world. In the current world its the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, Zionism, crooked religions and the industrial-military machine etc.
Julian Assange
I have followed this man for a number of years now and until this last 2 weeks (December 2010)
I have had absolute faith in him and his actions regarding leaked government and corporate information.
I was disappointed that he or WikiLeaks did not take a more active role in assisting Private Bradley Manning but on reflection I could maybe understand the reasons.
JA is a very unusual man he is part of generation X. The generation who faced an uncertain, ill-defined (and perhaps hostile) future, but relating to his work that is immaterial. He has become the face of WikiLeaks and if he is the conduit for the truth out regarding deeply embedded corruption in our governments bravo.
WikiLeaks and the continued release of cablegate documents is much bigger than one man now and in my humble opinion he should step down from his position as editor in chief. His resignation should then disassociate his personal troubles from the actual work of WikiLeaks. If his heart still wants the truth he will know that this is the best response he can make to prove to the doubters his intentions.
And doubters are many just now and I will put my hand up here I feel he has let his ego not his heart drive his actions.
There are many theories of JA being connected to the ptb could this be correct?
My inner-self tells me that ~they~ are using and controlling Julian Assange some how, ie is being manipulated by the elite.
Is a market crash around the corner? is cablegate and other secret documents an illusion to cover up the other disasters economic and planetary? Distraction is the tool, false flags of information to lead the sheeple away from the engineered downfall of twawki. Once again my humble opinion.
I am going with my heart and say that he has been used as a scapegoat.
We were given the same hero type messenger when Obama was running for US President - false hope.
We are fed this false hope but in the background ~they~ are creating chaos!
If Assange is really what he says a mainstream counter-journalist then he needs to be more careful than he has been ie; bedfellows, because now he's paying the price. They are hanging him out to dry. Broken condoms and all!
I think (and this is just my opinion) that he is probably genuine, but being used as a pawn.
This has been hard for me to write as I feel once again I have been controlled/manipulated just like Assange?
I have had absolute faith in him and his actions regarding leaked government and corporate information.
I was disappointed that he or WikiLeaks did not take a more active role in assisting Private Bradley Manning but on reflection I could maybe understand the reasons.
JA is a very unusual man he is part of generation X. The generation who faced an uncertain, ill-defined (and perhaps hostile) future, but relating to his work that is immaterial. He has become the face of WikiLeaks and if he is the conduit for the truth out regarding deeply embedded corruption in our governments bravo.
WikiLeaks and the continued release of cablegate documents is much bigger than one man now and in my humble opinion he should step down from his position as editor in chief. His resignation should then disassociate his personal troubles from the actual work of WikiLeaks. If his heart still wants the truth he will know that this is the best response he can make to prove to the doubters his intentions.
And doubters are many just now and I will put my hand up here I feel he has let his ego not his heart drive his actions.
There are many theories of JA being connected to the ptb could this be correct?
My inner-self tells me that ~they~ are using and controlling Julian Assange some how, ie is being manipulated by the elite.
Is a market crash around the corner? is cablegate and other secret documents an illusion to cover up the other disasters economic and planetary? Distraction is the tool, false flags of information to lead the sheeple away from the engineered downfall of twawki. Once again my humble opinion.
I am going with my heart and say that he has been used as a scapegoat.
We were given the same hero type messenger when Obama was running for US President - false hope.
We are fed this false hope but in the background ~they~ are creating chaos!
If Assange is really what he says a mainstream counter-journalist then he needs to be more careful than he has been ie; bedfellows, because now he's paying the price. They are hanging him out to dry. Broken condoms and all!
I think (and this is just my opinion) that he is probably genuine, but being used as a pawn.
This has been hard for me to write as I feel once again I have been controlled/manipulated just like Assange?
GMO and Monsanto
I have posted about Monsanto before this is just a reminder of the battle we must be part of on the farms and in the supermarkets. For your health's sake but only NON GMO products.
Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit
by: Jeffrey M. Smith
"Saving the world," and other lies
Monsanto's public relations story about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are largely based on five concepts.
1. GMOs are needed to feed the world.
2. GMOs have been thoroughly tested and proven safe.
3. GMOs increase yield.
4. GMOs reduce the use of agricultural chemicals.
5. GMOs can be contained, and therefore coexist with non-GM crops.
All five are pure myths -- blatant falsehoods about the nature and benefit of this infant technology. The experience of former Monsanto employee Kirk Azevedo helps expose the first two lies, and provides some insight into the nature of the people working at the company.
Read the full article
Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit
by: Jeffrey M. Smith
"Saving the world," and other lies
Monsanto's public relations story about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are largely based on five concepts.
1. GMOs are needed to feed the world.
2. GMOs have been thoroughly tested and proven safe.
3. GMOs increase yield.
4. GMOs reduce the use of agricultural chemicals.
5. GMOs can be contained, and therefore coexist with non-GM crops.
All five are pure myths -- blatant falsehoods about the nature and benefit of this infant technology. The experience of former Monsanto employee Kirk Azevedo helps expose the first two lies, and provides some insight into the nature of the people working at the company.
Read the full article
Genetically Modified Organisms are Unfit for Consumption
by Ethan Huff, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has issued a warning urging the public to avoid genetically modified foods and has also called for a moratorium on GMOs until long-term, independent studies can prove their safety. The group has also called for required labeling of foods that contain GMOs, a move that has been strongly opposed by the Food and Drug Administration and Big Biotech which cooperatively purport that consumers should not have the right to know whether or not the foods they buy come from traditionally bred or genetically engineered sources.
While urging for more independent studies, the AAEM paper cites its own studies alleging that genetically modified foods cause serious adverse health effects, emphasizing more than a mere "causal association" as is commonly assumed. These effects include rapid aging, severe alterations to the major bodily organs, infertility, immune problems, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and disruption to proper insulin regulation, among others.
Many doctors are warning their patients to avoid GMOs as well, recognizing the distinct correlation between GMOs and disease. Ohio allergist Dr. John Boyles believes genetically engineered foods are so dangerous that people should never eat them. Biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava, following the review of more than 600 scientific journals, has concluded that the drastic deterioration of Americans' health in recent years can be attributed to GMOs being introduced into their diets.
Experimental studies of genetically engineered foods and their effects in the body are disturbing, to say the least. Biologist David Schubert of the Salk Institute has stated that children are the most likely people to experience the adverse effects of GMOs, noting that apart from adequate safety studies, children become "the experimental animals". In truth, every citizen is a guinea pig when genetically altered organisms are introduced into the food supply without adequate safety studies let alone honest labeling.
In the animal studies that have been conducted, some noteworthy findings have been discovered about GMOs:
Female rats fed genetically modified soy saw most of their babies die within three weeks compared to the 10% death rate experienced by rats fed natural soy. The babies that survived in the genetically modified-fed control group were also born smaller and had problems getting pregnant later on.
Male rats fed genetically modified soy experienced a change in testicular color from pink to dark blue, as well as altered young sperm and significant changes in their DNA.
Indian buffalo that consumed genetically modified cottonseed experienced various birthing complications including infertility, abortions, premature delivery, and prolapsed uteruses. Many of the calves that survived birth died shortly thereafter.
In the United States, about 24 farmers reported that their pigs became sterile after consuming genetically modified corn.
Genetically modified corn and cotton, purposely engineered to create their own built-in pesticide called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), have been indicted in several studies to provoke intense allergic and immune reactions and death. Since the levels of Bt produced in the plant represent thousands of times more a concentration of Bt than natural Bt spray, the effects are greatly amplified. Shepherds whose sheep grazed on Bt cotton after harvest witnessed thousands of their sheep die. Post mortem examinations revealed severe irritation and black patches in the intestines and liver, as well as enlarged bile ducts. All sheep fed the Bt cotton eventually died within 30 days while those that grazed on natural cotton remained healthy.
Bt corn was also responsible for the deaths of cows, horses, water buffaloes, and chicken in both Germany and the Philippines.
Genetically modified tomatoes fed to rats were shown to cause bleeding stomachs and eventually killed many of the rats.
These are just a few examples of the many catastrophic effects of using genetically modified organisms as food.
Probably the worst finding in the AAEM report is the fact that GMOs can live and reproduce in the intestinal flora of the body long after being eaten. The genes present in the genetically modified organisms transfer into the DNA of intestinal bacteria, the good bacteria that digests food and maintains bodily health. This reprogramming can cause the intestinal flora to begin reproducing Bt pesticides, for example, rather than producing the living bacteria it is supposed to. The permanent, deadly implications of these alterations are mind boggling since intestinal flora is crucial for life.
Despite consensus from most FDA scientists in the early '90s declaring that genetically modified foods are inherently dangerous and could lead to all sorts of serious health problems, politics won out as mandates were given from Washington to promote biotechnology and GMOs in spite of apparent and obvious dangers. This led to the promotion of Michael Taylor, former attorney for Monsanto, as head of GMO policy at the FDA, a move that led to the official denial by the agency of any knowledge or substantiated concern by any FDA scientists about the safety of GMOs.
Despite findings in some 44,000 pages of internal FDA memos and reports released in 1999 due to a lawsuit, findings that contained the warnings from then scientists about the "unintended negative side effects" of genetic engineering, official FDA GMO policy has been scrubbed clean of the truth and purports blatant lies in its defense of GMOs as safe. In fact, current policy emphatically states that no safety studies on GMOs are even required or necessary; it is instead up to Big Biotech to determine the safety of its own genetically modified organisms if it so chooses.
Many people may remember the deadly epidemic in the late 1980s from the genetically engineered version of L-tryptophan, a food supplement, that was introduced into the market. An estimated 10,000 people became permanently disabled and about 100 died. Yet despite the rapidly occurring, deadly effects from this particular GMO immediately following its release, including noticeable changes in the blood, it took over four years to identify the existence of this epidemic.
Many concerned doctors hypothesize that the disease-causing symptoms of GMOs being consumed today will take years to show up, further besetting the efforts of those who are trying to expose the dangers of GMOs. Current data is showing that since 1996 when genetically modified crops were first introduced, the incidences of people with three or more chronic diseases has jumped from 7 percent to 13 percent.
In addition to all the existing evidence, AAEM is urging its members, the scientific community, and those in medicine to continue gathering case studies and initiate epidemiological research to help determine, once and for all, the effects of GMOs on human beings in addition to their effects on animals.
It is wise to avoid foods that contain GMOs and ingredients that are genetically engineered. These include non-organic corn and soy derivatives, canola and cottonseed oils, and sugar from sugar beets. Ingredients such as corn starch, corn meal, and soy lecithin are great examples of common ingredients that are suspect. Unless labeled as non-GMO or explicitly organic, these common ingredients are most likely genetically modified and should be avoided at all costs.
Lastly, the mindful citizen should contact grocers, food manufacturers, and restaurants to inquire about genetically modified ingredients and oppose their usage. As increasing numbers of people begin to seek out this information across the food supply-chain and purposefully avoid products that contain GMOs, producers and retailers will phase them out in order to meet demand. This can be seen in the gradual elimination of toxins such as high fructose corn syrup from food as consumers learn about its effects and avoid products that contain it.
Call Congress and urge support for mandatory GMO labeling, perhaps even the elimination of GMOs entirely. Get creative. Tell friends and family about the dangers of GMOs, organize local campaigns, and pass out literature. The sooner people become aware of GMOs and the havoc they are causing, and demand their removal from food, the sooner GMOs will exist only in history books as one of the most detrimental scientific experiments ever perpetrated on mankind.
(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has issued a warning urging the public to avoid genetically modified foods and has also called for a moratorium on GMOs until long-term, independent studies can prove their safety. The group has also called for required labeling of foods that contain GMOs, a move that has been strongly opposed by the Food and Drug Administration and Big Biotech which cooperatively purport that consumers should not have the right to know whether or not the foods they buy come from traditionally bred or genetically engineered sources.
While urging for more independent studies, the AAEM paper cites its own studies alleging that genetically modified foods cause serious adverse health effects, emphasizing more than a mere "causal association" as is commonly assumed. These effects include rapid aging, severe alterations to the major bodily organs, infertility, immune problems, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and disruption to proper insulin regulation, among others.
Many doctors are warning their patients to avoid GMOs as well, recognizing the distinct correlation between GMOs and disease. Ohio allergist Dr. John Boyles believes genetically engineered foods are so dangerous that people should never eat them. Biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava, following the review of more than 600 scientific journals, has concluded that the drastic deterioration of Americans' health in recent years can be attributed to GMOs being introduced into their diets.
Experimental studies of genetically engineered foods and their effects in the body are disturbing, to say the least. Biologist David Schubert of the Salk Institute has stated that children are the most likely people to experience the adverse effects of GMOs, noting that apart from adequate safety studies, children become "the experimental animals". In truth, every citizen is a guinea pig when genetically altered organisms are introduced into the food supply without adequate safety studies let alone honest labeling.
In the animal studies that have been conducted, some noteworthy findings have been discovered about GMOs:
Female rats fed genetically modified soy saw most of their babies die within three weeks compared to the 10% death rate experienced by rats fed natural soy. The babies that survived in the genetically modified-fed control group were also born smaller and had problems getting pregnant later on.
Male rats fed genetically modified soy experienced a change in testicular color from pink to dark blue, as well as altered young sperm and significant changes in their DNA.
Indian buffalo that consumed genetically modified cottonseed experienced various birthing complications including infertility, abortions, premature delivery, and prolapsed uteruses. Many of the calves that survived birth died shortly thereafter.
In the United States, about 24 farmers reported that their pigs became sterile after consuming genetically modified corn.
Genetically modified corn and cotton, purposely engineered to create their own built-in pesticide called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), have been indicted in several studies to provoke intense allergic and immune reactions and death. Since the levels of Bt produced in the plant represent thousands of times more a concentration of Bt than natural Bt spray, the effects are greatly amplified. Shepherds whose sheep grazed on Bt cotton after harvest witnessed thousands of their sheep die. Post mortem examinations revealed severe irritation and black patches in the intestines and liver, as well as enlarged bile ducts. All sheep fed the Bt cotton eventually died within 30 days while those that grazed on natural cotton remained healthy.
Bt corn was also responsible for the deaths of cows, horses, water buffaloes, and chicken in both Germany and the Philippines.
Genetically modified tomatoes fed to rats were shown to cause bleeding stomachs and eventually killed many of the rats.
These are just a few examples of the many catastrophic effects of using genetically modified organisms as food.
Probably the worst finding in the AAEM report is the fact that GMOs can live and reproduce in the intestinal flora of the body long after being eaten. The genes present in the genetically modified organisms transfer into the DNA of intestinal bacteria, the good bacteria that digests food and maintains bodily health. This reprogramming can cause the intestinal flora to begin reproducing Bt pesticides, for example, rather than producing the living bacteria it is supposed to. The permanent, deadly implications of these alterations are mind boggling since intestinal flora is crucial for life.
Despite consensus from most FDA scientists in the early '90s declaring that genetically modified foods are inherently dangerous and could lead to all sorts of serious health problems, politics won out as mandates were given from Washington to promote biotechnology and GMOs in spite of apparent and obvious dangers. This led to the promotion of Michael Taylor, former attorney for Monsanto, as head of GMO policy at the FDA, a move that led to the official denial by the agency of any knowledge or substantiated concern by any FDA scientists about the safety of GMOs.
Despite findings in some 44,000 pages of internal FDA memos and reports released in 1999 due to a lawsuit, findings that contained the warnings from then scientists about the "unintended negative side effects" of genetic engineering, official FDA GMO policy has been scrubbed clean of the truth and purports blatant lies in its defense of GMOs as safe. In fact, current policy emphatically states that no safety studies on GMOs are even required or necessary; it is instead up to Big Biotech to determine the safety of its own genetically modified organisms if it so chooses.
Many people may remember the deadly epidemic in the late 1980s from the genetically engineered version of L-tryptophan, a food supplement, that was introduced into the market. An estimated 10,000 people became permanently disabled and about 100 died. Yet despite the rapidly occurring, deadly effects from this particular GMO immediately following its release, including noticeable changes in the blood, it took over four years to identify the existence of this epidemic.
Many concerned doctors hypothesize that the disease-causing symptoms of GMOs being consumed today will take years to show up, further besetting the efforts of those who are trying to expose the dangers of GMOs. Current data is showing that since 1996 when genetically modified crops were first introduced, the incidences of people with three or more chronic diseases has jumped from 7 percent to 13 percent.
In addition to all the existing evidence, AAEM is urging its members, the scientific community, and those in medicine to continue gathering case studies and initiate epidemiological research to help determine, once and for all, the effects of GMOs on human beings in addition to their effects on animals.
It is wise to avoid foods that contain GMOs and ingredients that are genetically engineered. These include non-organic corn and soy derivatives, canola and cottonseed oils, and sugar from sugar beets. Ingredients such as corn starch, corn meal, and soy lecithin are great examples of common ingredients that are suspect. Unless labeled as non-GMO or explicitly organic, these common ingredients are most likely genetically modified and should be avoided at all costs.
Lastly, the mindful citizen should contact grocers, food manufacturers, and restaurants to inquire about genetically modified ingredients and oppose their usage. As increasing numbers of people begin to seek out this information across the food supply-chain and purposefully avoid products that contain GMOs, producers and retailers will phase them out in order to meet demand. This can be seen in the gradual elimination of toxins such as high fructose corn syrup from food as consumers learn about its effects and avoid products that contain it.
Call Congress and urge support for mandatory GMO labeling, perhaps even the elimination of GMOs entirely. Get creative. Tell friends and family about the dangers of GMOs, organize local campaigns, and pass out literature. The sooner people become aware of GMOs and the havoc they are causing, and demand their removal from food, the sooner GMOs will exist only in history books as one of the most detrimental scientific experiments ever perpetrated on mankind.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Cablegate the truth is out there - Rap News
These guys are funny and insightful please pay attention to the last few lines
Genetic engineering (GE)
This worries me we do not know what we eat from our supermarkets. For your healths sake be aware
Genetic engineering (GE) is the process of transferring specific traits, or genes, from one organism into a different plant or animal. The resulting organism is called transgenic or a GMO (genetically modified organism). 70% of processed foods in American supermarkets now contain genetically modified ingredients.i
Genetic engineering is different from traditional cross breeding, where genes can only be exchanged between closely-related species. With genetic engineering, genes from completely different species can be inserted into each other. For example, scientists in Taiwan have succeeded at inserting jellyfish genes into pigs in order to make them glow in the dark. ii
sustainable TableGE Crops
About 200 million acres of farmland worldwide are now used to grow GE crops such as cotton, corn, soybeans and rice.iii The most common GE crops are Soybeans, which represent 63% of all GE crops, Corn (19%), Transgenic Cotton (13%) and Canola (5%).iv The majority of genetically modified crops grown today are engineered to be resistant to pesticides and/or herbicides so that they can withstand being sprayed with weed killer while the rest of the plants in the field die.
GE proponents claim genetically modified crops use fewer pesticides than non-GE crops, when in reality GE plants can require even more chemicals.v This is because weeds grow resistant to pesticides, leading farmers to spray even more on their This causes environmental pollution, exposes food to higher levels of toxins, and creates greater safety concerns for farmers and farm workers.
Some GE crops are actually classified as pesticides. The New Leaf potato, which has since been taken off grocery shelves, was genetically engineered to produce the Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxin in order to kill any pests that attempted to eat it. The actual potato was designated as a pesticide and so was regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), instead of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) which regulates food. Because of this, safety testing for these potatoes was not as strict as with food, since the EPA regulations had never anticipated that people would intentionally consume pesticides as food.vii
Adequate research has not yet been carried out to identify the effects of eating animals that have been fed genetically-engineered grain, nor have sufficient studies been conducted on the effects of directly consuming genetically-engineered crops like corn and soy. Despite our lack of knowledge, GE crops are widely used throughout the world as both human and animal food.
GE Animals
Scientists are currently working on ways to genetically engineer farm animals. Salmon have been bioengineered to grow five times faster than wild breeds, hens have been genetically modified to lay low-cholesterol eggs, and chickens have been altered to produce anti-cancer drugs.viii At this point in time, no GE animals have been approved by the FDA to enter the food supply.ix Genetic engineering experiments on animals do, however, pose potential risks to food safety and the environment.
In 2003, scientists at the University of Illinois were conducting an experiment that involved inserting cow genes into female pigs in order to increase their milk production. They also inserted a synthetic gene to make milk digestion easier for the piglets. The experimental pigs were supposed to be destroyed, as instructed by the FDA. However, 386 offspring of the experimental pigs were sold to livestock brokers, who sold them to slaughterhouses. They were processed and sent to grocery stores as pork chops, sausage, and bacon.x
Although University of Illinois representatives claimed that the piglets did not inherit the genetic modifications made to their mothers, there was still a clear risk to the people who purchased products made from the 386 piglets. Since no genetically modified animal products have ever been approved by the FDA, the pork products that reached supermarket shelves were technically unsuitable for human consumption. Because of the accident, the FDA sent letters in May 2003 to all land-grant universities, reminding researchers that their work "may require" licensing under the animal drug law.xi
What are genes?
All life is made up of millions of cells. Each cell contains a nucleus, and inside each nucleus are strings of molecules called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Each strand of DNA is divided into small sections called genes. These genes contain a unique set of instructions that determine how the organism grows, develops, looks, and lives.
During genetic engineering processes, specific genes are removed from one organism and inserted into another plant or animal, thus transferring specific traits.
What are the concerns over GE Food?
Many concerns have been raised over the inadequate testing of the effects of genetic engineering on humans and the environment. Genetic engineering is still an emerging field, and scientists do not know exactly what can result from putting the DNA of one species into another. The introduction of foreign DNA into an organism could trigger other DNA in the plant or animal to mutate and change.xii In addition, researchers do not know if there are any long-term or unintended side effects from eating GE foods.xiii
Opponents to genetic engineering state that GE foods must be proven safe before they are sold to the public because their safety has not yet been proven. Specific concerns over genetic engineering include:xiv
* Allergic reactions. There are two concerns regarding allergic reactions. The first is with known allergens. For example, if genes from nuts are inserted into other, widely consumed foods, it could provoke severe reactions in people with nut allergies. Therefore, there is concern that people with known allergies will not be aware that the genetically engineered food they are eating contains substances to which they are allergic. The second concern is over the possibility of creating new allergies. The new combinations of genes and traits have the potential to create allergic reactions that have never existed before.
* Gene mutation. Scientists do not know if the forced insertion of one gene into another gene could destabilize the entire organism, and encourage mutations and abnormalities. Likewise, no one knows if or how eating mutated food could affect people’s own DNA.
* Antibiotic resistance. Almost all GE food contains antibiotic resistance marker genes that help producers know whether the new genetic material was transferred to the host plant or animal. GE food could make disease-causing bacteria even more resistant to antibiotics, which could increase the spread of disease throughout the world.
* Loss of nutrition. Genetic engineering may change the nutritional value of food. xv
* Damage to the environment. Insects, birds and wind might carry genetically altered pollen to other fields and forests, pollinating plants and randomly creating new species that would carry on the genetic modifications.
* Gene pollution can not be cleaned up
Once released into the environment, genetically engineered organisms cannot be cleaned up or recalled. So, unlike chemical and nuclear contamination which can at least be contained, genetic pollution cannot be isolated and separated from the environment in which it is spreading.
GE crops can cross-pollinate with weeds, potentially creating superweeds that could become difficult to control.
Terminator seeds
Some GE seeds are engineered so that plants cannot reproduce seeds. In many parts of the world, saving seeds from season to season is the only way farmers are able to survive and continue growing food. However, with GE technology, seeds can be sterile, forcing farmers to rely on seed companies for their livelihood, an expense they may not be able to bear.
What genetically engineered foods have been approved for commercial use? xv
Cherry Tomato
Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
Rapeseed (Canola)
What You Can Do
* Look for foods that are labeled GMO free. Today, almost all major brands have GMO ingredients. Visit the True Food Network to find out what brands you can eat and what you should avoid.
* Eat organic foods. The USDA regulations governing organic food do not permit genetically-modified fruits and vegetables, and organic meats cannot come from animals that were fed GE crops. So eating organic is a surefire way to avoid GE foods.
* Read “GE Fish” to learn about the risks involved with genetically engineering fish.
Genetic engineering (GE) is the process of transferring specific traits, or genes, from one organism into a different plant or animal. The resulting organism is called transgenic or a GMO (genetically modified organism). 70% of processed foods in American supermarkets now contain genetically modified ingredients.i
Genetic engineering is different from traditional cross breeding, where genes can only be exchanged between closely-related species. With genetic engineering, genes from completely different species can be inserted into each other. For example, scientists in Taiwan have succeeded at inserting jellyfish genes into pigs in order to make them glow in the dark. ii
sustainable TableGE Crops
About 200 million acres of farmland worldwide are now used to grow GE crops such as cotton, corn, soybeans and rice.iii The most common GE crops are Soybeans, which represent 63% of all GE crops, Corn (19%), Transgenic Cotton (13%) and Canola (5%).iv The majority of genetically modified crops grown today are engineered to be resistant to pesticides and/or herbicides so that they can withstand being sprayed with weed killer while the rest of the plants in the field die.
GE proponents claim genetically modified crops use fewer pesticides than non-GE crops, when in reality GE plants can require even more chemicals.v This is because weeds grow resistant to pesticides, leading farmers to spray even more on their This causes environmental pollution, exposes food to higher levels of toxins, and creates greater safety concerns for farmers and farm workers.
Some GE crops are actually classified as pesticides. The New Leaf potato, which has since been taken off grocery shelves, was genetically engineered to produce the Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxin in order to kill any pests that attempted to eat it. The actual potato was designated as a pesticide and so was regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), instead of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) which regulates food. Because of this, safety testing for these potatoes was not as strict as with food, since the EPA regulations had never anticipated that people would intentionally consume pesticides as food.vii
Adequate research has not yet been carried out to identify the effects of eating animals that have been fed genetically-engineered grain, nor have sufficient studies been conducted on the effects of directly consuming genetically-engineered crops like corn and soy. Despite our lack of knowledge, GE crops are widely used throughout the world as both human and animal food.
GE Animals
Scientists are currently working on ways to genetically engineer farm animals. Salmon have been bioengineered to grow five times faster than wild breeds, hens have been genetically modified to lay low-cholesterol eggs, and chickens have been altered to produce anti-cancer drugs.viii At this point in time, no GE animals have been approved by the FDA to enter the food supply.ix Genetic engineering experiments on animals do, however, pose potential risks to food safety and the environment.
In 2003, scientists at the University of Illinois were conducting an experiment that involved inserting cow genes into female pigs in order to increase their milk production. They also inserted a synthetic gene to make milk digestion easier for the piglets. The experimental pigs were supposed to be destroyed, as instructed by the FDA. However, 386 offspring of the experimental pigs were sold to livestock brokers, who sold them to slaughterhouses. They were processed and sent to grocery stores as pork chops, sausage, and bacon.x
Although University of Illinois representatives claimed that the piglets did not inherit the genetic modifications made to their mothers, there was still a clear risk to the people who purchased products made from the 386 piglets. Since no genetically modified animal products have ever been approved by the FDA, the pork products that reached supermarket shelves were technically unsuitable for human consumption. Because of the accident, the FDA sent letters in May 2003 to all land-grant universities, reminding researchers that their work "may require" licensing under the animal drug law.xi
What are genes?
All life is made up of millions of cells. Each cell contains a nucleus, and inside each nucleus are strings of molecules called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Each strand of DNA is divided into small sections called genes. These genes contain a unique set of instructions that determine how the organism grows, develops, looks, and lives.
During genetic engineering processes, specific genes are removed from one organism and inserted into another plant or animal, thus transferring specific traits.
What are the concerns over GE Food?
Many concerns have been raised over the inadequate testing of the effects of genetic engineering on humans and the environment. Genetic engineering is still an emerging field, and scientists do not know exactly what can result from putting the DNA of one species into another. The introduction of foreign DNA into an organism could trigger other DNA in the plant or animal to mutate and change.xii In addition, researchers do not know if there are any long-term or unintended side effects from eating GE foods.xiii
Opponents to genetic engineering state that GE foods must be proven safe before they are sold to the public because their safety has not yet been proven. Specific concerns over genetic engineering include:xiv
* Allergic reactions. There are two concerns regarding allergic reactions. The first is with known allergens. For example, if genes from nuts are inserted into other, widely consumed foods, it could provoke severe reactions in people with nut allergies. Therefore, there is concern that people with known allergies will not be aware that the genetically engineered food they are eating contains substances to which they are allergic. The second concern is over the possibility of creating new allergies. The new combinations of genes and traits have the potential to create allergic reactions that have never existed before.
* Gene mutation. Scientists do not know if the forced insertion of one gene into another gene could destabilize the entire organism, and encourage mutations and abnormalities. Likewise, no one knows if or how eating mutated food could affect people’s own DNA.
* Antibiotic resistance. Almost all GE food contains antibiotic resistance marker genes that help producers know whether the new genetic material was transferred to the host plant or animal. GE food could make disease-causing bacteria even more resistant to antibiotics, which could increase the spread of disease throughout the world.
* Loss of nutrition. Genetic engineering may change the nutritional value of food. xv
* Damage to the environment. Insects, birds and wind might carry genetically altered pollen to other fields and forests, pollinating plants and randomly creating new species that would carry on the genetic modifications.
* Gene pollution can not be cleaned up
Once released into the environment, genetically engineered organisms cannot be cleaned up or recalled. So, unlike chemical and nuclear contamination which can at least be contained, genetic pollution cannot be isolated and separated from the environment in which it is spreading.
GE crops can cross-pollinate with weeds, potentially creating superweeds that could become difficult to control.
Terminator seeds
Some GE seeds are engineered so that plants cannot reproduce seeds. In many parts of the world, saving seeds from season to season is the only way farmers are able to survive and continue growing food. However, with GE technology, seeds can be sterile, forcing farmers to rely on seed companies for their livelihood, an expense they may not be able to bear.
What genetically engineered foods have been approved for commercial use? xv
Cherry Tomato
Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
Rapeseed (Canola)
What You Can Do
* Look for foods that are labeled GMO free. Today, almost all major brands have GMO ingredients. Visit the True Food Network to find out what brands you can eat and what you should avoid.
* Eat organic foods. The USDA regulations governing organic food do not permit genetically-modified fruits and vegetables, and organic meats cannot come from animals that were fed GE crops. So eating organic is a surefire way to avoid GE foods.
* Read “GE Fish” to learn about the risks involved with genetically engineering fish.
Smart Phone Apps are watching you
Your Apps Are Watching You
Few devices know more personal details about people than the smartphones in their pockets: phone numbers, current location, often the owner's real name—even a unique ID number that can never be changed or turned off.
These phones don't keep secrets. They are sharing this personal data widely and regularly, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found.
An examination of 101 popular smartphone "apps"—games and other software applications for iPhone and Android phones—showed that 56 transmitted the phone's unique device ID to other companies without users' awareness or consent. Forty-seven apps transmitted the phone's location in some way. Five sent age, gender and other personal details to outsiders.
More @ Wall St Journal
Few devices know more personal details about people than the smartphones in their pockets: phone numbers, current location, often the owner's real name—even a unique ID number that can never be changed or turned off.
These phones don't keep secrets. They are sharing this personal data widely and regularly, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found.
An examination of 101 popular smartphone "apps"—games and other software applications for iPhone and Android phones—showed that 56 transmitted the phone's unique device ID to other companies without users' awareness or consent. Forty-seven apps transmitted the phone's location in some way. Five sent age, gender and other personal details to outsiders.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
TSA Update
D.C. Scanners and the Bankster and Global Elite Connection
Washington D.C. metro police are about to launch random bag checks on the D.C. metro system. A prominent D.C. blogger, who serves on the Riders' Advisory Council, calls it "security theatre" that wastes money without stopping terrorists.
Nevertheless, the checks will go on with metro police using Sabre 4000 scanning devices. The devices are manufactured by Smiths Detection, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of UK-based Smiths Group PLC. Right smack dab in the middle of the Board of Directors of Smiths is non-executive director, David Challen. Non-executive means that he doesn't work for Smiths, but was put on the board to keep an eye on what is going on at Smiths, for someone powerful. Who might want to do that? Well the way to get a sense is to see what Challen is doing when he is not attending Smiths' board meetings.
He is Vice-Chairman of Citigroup Europe and director at Rothschild controlled, Anglo American. It's not immediately clear how Citigroup and Anglo fit into the Smiths Group equation, but you can be sure there is a fit and that Challen wasn't just picked for Smiths board because he may have a nice personality.
And so again, we see the banksters and the global elite lurking deep in the background of all this new surveillance equipment. They aren't on the front lines, but if you dig deep enough they are always there. Always lurking.
Posted by Robert Wenzel
Metro plans to begin random searches of its riders' bags in the coming days, the transit agency said Thursday, revisiting a plan first announced two years ago.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Washington D.C. metro police are about to launch random bag checks on the D.C. metro system. A prominent D.C. blogger, who serves on the Riders' Advisory Council, calls it "security theatre" that wastes money without stopping terrorists.
Nevertheless, the checks will go on with metro police using Sabre 4000 scanning devices. The devices are manufactured by Smiths Detection, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of UK-based Smiths Group PLC. Right smack dab in the middle of the Board of Directors of Smiths is non-executive director, David Challen. Non-executive means that he doesn't work for Smiths, but was put on the board to keep an eye on what is going on at Smiths, for someone powerful. Who might want to do that? Well the way to get a sense is to see what Challen is doing when he is not attending Smiths' board meetings.
He is Vice-Chairman of Citigroup Europe and director at Rothschild controlled, Anglo American. It's not immediately clear how Citigroup and Anglo fit into the Smiths Group equation, but you can be sure there is a fit and that Challen wasn't just picked for Smiths board because he may have a nice personality.
And so again, we see the banksters and the global elite lurking deep in the background of all this new surveillance equipment. They aren't on the front lines, but if you dig deep enough they are always there. Always lurking.
Posted by Robert Wenzel
Metro plans to begin random searches of its riders' bags in the coming days, the transit agency said Thursday, revisiting a plan first announced two years ago.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
The Case of WikiLeaks
I found this a very interesting read - maybe I do not agree with all the points
The Hazards of Nerd Supremacy: The Case of WikiLeaks - By Jaron Lanier
The degree of sympathy in tech circles for both Wikileaks and Anonymous has surprised me. The most common take seems to be that the world needs cyber-pranksters to keep old-school centers of power, like governments and big companies, in check. Cyber-activists are perceived to be the underdogs, flawed and annoying, perhaps, but standing up to overbearing power.
It doesn't seem so to me. I actually take seriously the idea that the Internet can make non-traditional techie actors powerful.1 Therefore, I am less sympathetic to hackers when they use their newfound power arrogantly and non-constructively.
This is an interesting difference in perception. How can you tell when you are the underdog versus when you are powerful? When you get that perception wrong, you can behave quite badly quite easily.2
Every revolutionary these days must post a video online. So the group Anonymous, which avenged the perceived enemies of Wikileaks by ganging up on sites like MasterCard and PayPal, released theirs, a scratchy cyberpunk scrawl. In it, a digitized announcer condemns the attacked companies for the "crime of cutting people off from the global brain." This might seem like an odd bit of propaganda for those who aren't familiar with the world of nerd supremacy.
The ideology that drives a lot of the online world -- not just Wikileaks but also mainstream sites like Facebook -- is the idea that information in sufficiently large quantity automatically becomes Truth. For extremists, this means that the Internet is coming alive as a new, singular, global, post-human, superior life form. For more moderate sympathizers, if information is truth, and the truth will set you free, then adding more information to the Internet automatically makes the world better and people freer.
The one exception to be carved out is that technically skilled programmers are celebrated for erecting digital privacy curtains around themselves. Thus we didn't necessarily get to know where Mr. Assange was at a given moment, before his detention on rape-related charges, or what Facebook or Google know about you.
But leaving hypocrisy aside, is there something to the idea? If the number of secrets falls with each passing minute and gradually approaches zero, what does that do to the world? Would a world without secrets be fairer, or more compassionate? More efficient? Does it matter if some secrets are revealed before others?
The Hazards of Nerd Supremacy: The Case of WikiLeaks - By Jaron Lanier
The degree of sympathy in tech circles for both Wikileaks and Anonymous has surprised me. The most common take seems to be that the world needs cyber-pranksters to keep old-school centers of power, like governments and big companies, in check. Cyber-activists are perceived to be the underdogs, flawed and annoying, perhaps, but standing up to overbearing power.
It doesn't seem so to me. I actually take seriously the idea that the Internet can make non-traditional techie actors powerful.1 Therefore, I am less sympathetic to hackers when they use their newfound power arrogantly and non-constructively.
This is an interesting difference in perception. How can you tell when you are the underdog versus when you are powerful? When you get that perception wrong, you can behave quite badly quite easily.2
Every revolutionary these days must post a video online. So the group Anonymous, which avenged the perceived enemies of Wikileaks by ganging up on sites like MasterCard and PayPal, released theirs, a scratchy cyberpunk scrawl. In it, a digitized announcer condemns the attacked companies for the "crime of cutting people off from the global brain." This might seem like an odd bit of propaganda for those who aren't familiar with the world of nerd supremacy.
The ideology that drives a lot of the online world -- not just Wikileaks but also mainstream sites like Facebook -- is the idea that information in sufficiently large quantity automatically becomes Truth. For extremists, this means that the Internet is coming alive as a new, singular, global, post-human, superior life form. For more moderate sympathizers, if information is truth, and the truth will set you free, then adding more information to the Internet automatically makes the world better and people freer.
The one exception to be carved out is that technically skilled programmers are celebrated for erecting digital privacy curtains around themselves. Thus we didn't necessarily get to know where Mr. Assange was at a given moment, before his detention on rape-related charges, or what Facebook or Google know about you.
But leaving hypocrisy aside, is there something to the idea? If the number of secrets falls with each passing minute and gradually approaches zero, what does that do to the world? Would a world without secrets be fairer, or more compassionate? More efficient? Does it matter if some secrets are revealed before others?
It is TIME
It is time to voice our opinions and our directions we are the masses as one.
The underground is whispering, do you listen?
no, it is just mother nature, growling!
mother nature is talking, do you listen?
no, it is just climate change creaking!
for those who hear it is time, to speak
time to act in truth and peace for all!
The underground is whispering, do you listen?
no, it is just mother nature, growling!
mother nature is talking, do you listen?
no, it is just climate change creaking!
for those who hear it is time, to speak
time to act in truth and peace for all!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Meditation is depression medicine
Depression is spiralling out of control in modern society. One of the things not always spoken about is that major depression is recurrent: it comes back. That is, it will come back if you do not take steps to prevent it. Now a new study has shown that meditation is a powerful ally in keeping depression at bay.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is an increasingly popular approach in treating stress reduction, pain management, and now self-management of depression symptoms. MBCT uses mindfulness based meditation and teaches awareness of emotions so people can recognise the early signs of relapse into depression. It also goes the extra step and offers ways to make lifestyle changes that will restore a balance in mood. Drugs are not used in MBCT.
A new study has enlisted people who were in remission from depression at the beginning of the study but who had previously been diagnosed with a major depressive disorder having had at least two past episodes and using antidepressant drugs. These people were then split into three groups.
One group stopped their medication and was put on MBCT, the second group maintained their medication for 18 months, and the third group also maintained their medication except it was a placebo.
The MBCT treatment involved group sessions once a week for eight weeks. In these sessions the people learned how to observe their thoughts and emotions and how to change their thought patterns from rumination to being able to reflect without judgement. They consolidated this at home by doing “mindfulness” practice: they noticed their minute-to minute thoughts, were compassionate to themselves, accepted difficulties, and made plans for responding to warning signs of a relapse.
All three groups were followed for the eighteen month period and were monitored for signs of a relapse. The results showed that the mindfulness meditative practises of MBCT were as effective as the pharmaceutical drugs. Both of these groups showed a 30 per cent relapse rate compared to a 70 per cent relapse in the placebo group.
The researchers concluded that the mindfulness approach was as effective at preventing relapse as pharmaceutical drugs.
Given the reduction in side-effects and the increased personal control and power that mindfulness meditative practices offer, they must be an option in future management of depressive conditions.
depression, meditation, mindfulness, relapse, drugs, compassion, rumination, judgement,
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is an increasingly popular approach in treating stress reduction, pain management, and now self-management of depression symptoms. MBCT uses mindfulness based meditation and teaches awareness of emotions so people can recognise the early signs of relapse into depression. It also goes the extra step and offers ways to make lifestyle changes that will restore a balance in mood. Drugs are not used in MBCT.
A new study has enlisted people who were in remission from depression at the beginning of the study but who had previously been diagnosed with a major depressive disorder having had at least two past episodes and using antidepressant drugs. These people were then split into three groups.
One group stopped their medication and was put on MBCT, the second group maintained their medication for 18 months, and the third group also maintained their medication except it was a placebo.
The MBCT treatment involved group sessions once a week for eight weeks. In these sessions the people learned how to observe their thoughts and emotions and how to change their thought patterns from rumination to being able to reflect without judgement. They consolidated this at home by doing “mindfulness” practice: they noticed their minute-to minute thoughts, were compassionate to themselves, accepted difficulties, and made plans for responding to warning signs of a relapse.
All three groups were followed for the eighteen month period and were monitored for signs of a relapse. The results showed that the mindfulness meditative practises of MBCT were as effective as the pharmaceutical drugs. Both of these groups showed a 30 per cent relapse rate compared to a 70 per cent relapse in the placebo group.
The researchers concluded that the mindfulness approach was as effective at preventing relapse as pharmaceutical drugs.
Given the reduction in side-effects and the increased personal control and power that mindfulness meditative practices offer, they must be an option in future management of depressive conditions.
depression, meditation, mindfulness, relapse, drugs, compassion, rumination, judgement,
Red blood cells lump by mobile phone
Two students of the Gymnasium high school in Spaichingen (Germany) have investigated the influence of using a mobile phone on the red blood cells. With a microscope they made 255 pictures of the blood of 51 testees. The students, Maria Ritter and Wasgan Wolski, received a regional award for young researchers, reports the Schwäbische Zeitung of March 7, 2005.
The testees were not allowed to use their mobile phones for 24 hours. Afterwards the researchers took blood from a finger tip and earlobe. Then the testees had to use a phone for 20 seconds. Immediately after that the researchers took blood again and ten minutes later again. The result: after using the mobile phone it was clearly visible that the red blood cells lumped together in 'rolls of coins'.
Also ten minutes afterwards the 'rolls of coins' still were clearly visible. The lumping raises the risk of thrombosis. Moreover the cells take up and transport less oxygen, report Ritter and Wolski. The research was directed by their teacher Dr. Markus Ziegler.
Two students of the Gymnasium high school in Spaichingen (Germany) have investigated the influence of using a mobile phone on the red blood cells. With a microscope they made 255 pictures of the blood of 51 testees. The students, Maria Ritter and Wasgan Wolski, received a regional award for young researchers, reports the Schwäbische Zeitung of March 7, 2005.
The testees were not allowed to use their mobile phones for 24 hours. Afterwards the researchers took blood from a finger tip and earlobe. Then the testees had to use a phone for 20 seconds. Immediately after that the researchers took blood again and ten minutes later again. The result: after using the mobile phone it was clearly visible that the red blood cells lumped together in 'rolls of coins'.
Also ten minutes afterwards the 'rolls of coins' still were clearly visible. The lumping raises the risk of thrombosis. Moreover the cells take up and transport less oxygen, report Ritter and Wolski. The research was directed by their teacher Dr. Markus Ziegler.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Beating arthritis
“The pain passes but the beauty remains.” This was how artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir described the crippling arthritis that plagued him from the age of 47. For the rest of his life, the condition kept him wheelchair bound and deformed his hands, even though he continued to paint slowly and in great pain. Had the French Impressionist been diagnosed in the 21st century and not the late 1800s, his outlook would have been more positive. As our knowledge of arthritis management improves, the condition no longer automatically means a life sentence of unending discomfort and disability.
Arthritis is an umbrella term for any number of disorders that cause inflammation of the joints. The condition leads to chronic pain, swelling and stiffness, most commonly in the fingers, toes, wrists, knees, elbows, hips and ankles. Arthritis may prove a small ripple in a person’s life, making it harder to get out of bed, or a major disruption, causing inability to walk or write. According to Arthritis Australia, the disease affects one in six people (or around 3.1 million Australians). More women (roughly 60 per cent) are affected than men.
A disease with many faces
There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis, including lupus (which causes inflamed connective tissue) and gout (which occurs when uric acid accumulates in joints). Most Australians are diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA), which affects about 75 per cent of arthritis sufferers. OA results when the wear and tear of age erodes the cushion of cartilage that provides a smooth protective covering between the bones in a joint. It usually occurs in people aged 50 and over. Risk factors include a family history, being overweight, getting older, chronic stress across joints (such as the big toe joint in people who wear tight shoes) or joint trauma (for example, sports injuries). The first signs of OA are usually stiffness, pain and tenderness in weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees, lower spine, feet and hands.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which affects three times as many women as men, can be far more debilitating than OA. It occurs in around 1 per cent of the population, usually between the ages of 25 and 45. RA is caused by an autoimmune disorder. This means the body attacks its own tissues lining the joints, inflaming the synovium, which contains a thick synovial fluid, which looks a little like egg white and lubricates the joint. In RA, the inflammation that occurs around joints causes pain, heat and swelling, sometimes accompanied by weight loss, fever, lethargy and painless, hard, round nodules under the skin.
Joint protection
Exercise is the best way to keep joints nourished. It keeps synovial fluid circulating around the joint and that fluid also supplies nutrients to the cartilage. If you suffer from arthritis and don’t exercise, your muscles weaken to the point where everyday activities become harder because joints stiffen. In the long term, this can speed up the rate of deterioration. However, people without arthritis should also aim to keep joints well lubricated through regular movement throughout their life. Good exercises include swimming (which is also gentle on joints), strengthening with weights, walking, tennis and golf (for muscle strength and improving balance) and tai chi, which improves muscle strength and flexibility as well as balance.
Once arthritis is diagnosed, treatment involves medication to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and prevent joint damage. Surgery may sometimes be needed to correct joint deformity, reconstruct a diseased joint or completely replace a joint with a prosthesis (such as a new hip). A minor operation called arthroscopy can also provide some relief by smoothing over or removing ragged joint edges, debris and loose material in the joint. Prevention of further damage may involve splinting to stabilise joints (the simplest example is a knee bandage) and orthotics (shoe inserts) to correct weight distribution.
It’s not clear what sets off the inflammation that causes arthritis and no one has yet found a cure for the condition. However, contributing factors may include genetic predisposition, environmental causes such as diet or stress and random triggers such as infection or psychological stress (for example, bereavement). In roughly two-thirds of patients, arthritis will prove temporary and go away permanently. In one-third, the condition is permanent. Some will go in and out of remission. Many natural health practitioners report great improvement with changes in diet such as eliminating dairy and gluten.
Though there is no foolproof way to protect yourself against developing arthritis, you can lessen the risks. A lifestyle that minimises stress and distress appears to reduce internal inflammation. Other important preventive strategies include maintaining a healthy weight, following a healthy diet, taking precautions to reduce repetitive strain injuries at work, warming up before regular exercise and ensuring that all joint injuries are properly and promptly treated.
Nature’s remedies
Though the copper bracelet has shown mixed results in reducing arthritis, other remedies have been found to be of substantial benefit, including:
* Glucosamine: Glucosamine is one of the primary components of cartilage, while chondroitin provides the cartilage with elasticity. The ageing process sees a decline in the body’s ability to synthesise both. Supplementing can reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness associated with joint degeneration. Dosage: Glucosamine sulfate is the form on which most research has been undertaken and is derived from crustacean shell or can be synthetically manufactured. It comes in tablet, capsule or powder. The optimal dose of glucosamine is 500mg three times daily and 400mg of chondroitin three times daily is recommended as well. Cartilage rebuilding may take about three months.
* Ginger: Gingerols (the active component in ginger) are effective in alleviating pain and inflammation by inhibiting an enzyme called COX-2 (cyclo oxygenate), which causes inflammation in arthritis. COX-2 is the same enzyme that some of the newer anti-inflammatory drugs also target. The ginger binds to the enzyme after it crosses the cell wall and stops it from triggering prostaglandins — naturally occurring fatty acids that cause pain and inflammation. Ginger also blocks the reaction of a particular pain receptor in the brain, which recognises painful stimuli such as heat and acidity. Some studies suggest ginger is as potent as the anti-inflammatory drugs in the pain management of osteoarthritis, without any of the side-effects. Dosage: Up to two grams of powder, extract, tincture or capsules, divided into three daily doses, or up to four cups of ginger tea.
* Evening primrose oil: This may benefit people with rheumatoid arthritis or a tendency to stiff and sore joints. It is rich in an essential fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). In the body, this can act a little like a hormone to reduce inflammation. Dosage: About 2–4g per day. You may need to persist for three months before you notice any improvement in symptoms.
* Carathron: This is a natural formula based on traditional Chinese medicine. It contains three different herbs that have been shown in clinical trials to have strong anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects in people with arthritis. As well as analgaesic effects, carathron may help in the maintenance and support of surrounding tissue and protect against cartilage degeneration.
Dosage: Three 200mg tablets a day for the first two weeks, then one tablet per day.
Know the signs
Arthritis causes the following symptoms in the joints:
* Swelling
* Early-morning joint stiffness for longer than a few minutes
* Recurring pain resulting in an inability to move normally
* Obvious redness or warmth
* Pain accompanied by unexplained weight loss, fever or weakness along with joint pain
Consult your doctor if you have symptoms for two weeks or more. Blood tests can assess inflammation and rheumatoid factor, an antibody present in about 80 per cent of people with rheumatoid arthritis. A rheumatologist may take fluid from the joint via a needle to be examined for infection, micro-organisms or uric acid (prevalent in gout). X-rays can also help determine whether damage to the bones or cartilage has occurred — usually in the later stages of the illness.
Anti-inflammatory foods
There is no such thing as an anti-arthritic diet. Foods that upset some people will not be a problem for others. However, if you are experiencing joint pain or have a history of arthritis in the family and want to take preventive measures, consider:
* Keeping a diet and symptom diary to identify any foods that cause joint pain or other symptoms of sensitivity. Some people with arthritis find that foods belonging to the nightshade family — tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers — can exacerbate their symptoms. For others, cutting out foods such as wheat and dairy products can lessen inflammation.
* Eating three meals a week containing oily fish, such as sardines and salmon, rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects.
* Cutting back on saturated fats from foods such as full-cream dairy products and fried foods, which encourage the production of inflammatory chemicals called prostaglandins, which contribute to joint pain.
* Eating more curries — studies suggest ingredients such as curcumin in turmeric may reduce arthritis onset and symptoms of arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory actions.
* Avoiding alcohol and foods high in purine, such as shellfish, herrings, offal, bacon and yeast if you suffer from gout, as these may trigger inflammation that causes flare-ups of joint pain.
Arthritis is an umbrella term for any number of disorders that cause inflammation of the joints. The condition leads to chronic pain, swelling and stiffness, most commonly in the fingers, toes, wrists, knees, elbows, hips and ankles. Arthritis may prove a small ripple in a person’s life, making it harder to get out of bed, or a major disruption, causing inability to walk or write. According to Arthritis Australia, the disease affects one in six people (or around 3.1 million Australians). More women (roughly 60 per cent) are affected than men.
A disease with many faces
There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis, including lupus (which causes inflamed connective tissue) and gout (which occurs when uric acid accumulates in joints). Most Australians are diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA), which affects about 75 per cent of arthritis sufferers. OA results when the wear and tear of age erodes the cushion of cartilage that provides a smooth protective covering between the bones in a joint. It usually occurs in people aged 50 and over. Risk factors include a family history, being overweight, getting older, chronic stress across joints (such as the big toe joint in people who wear tight shoes) or joint trauma (for example, sports injuries). The first signs of OA are usually stiffness, pain and tenderness in weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees, lower spine, feet and hands.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which affects three times as many women as men, can be far more debilitating than OA. It occurs in around 1 per cent of the population, usually between the ages of 25 and 45. RA is caused by an autoimmune disorder. This means the body attacks its own tissues lining the joints, inflaming the synovium, which contains a thick synovial fluid, which looks a little like egg white and lubricates the joint. In RA, the inflammation that occurs around joints causes pain, heat and swelling, sometimes accompanied by weight loss, fever, lethargy and painless, hard, round nodules under the skin.
Joint protection
Exercise is the best way to keep joints nourished. It keeps synovial fluid circulating around the joint and that fluid also supplies nutrients to the cartilage. If you suffer from arthritis and don’t exercise, your muscles weaken to the point where everyday activities become harder because joints stiffen. In the long term, this can speed up the rate of deterioration. However, people without arthritis should also aim to keep joints well lubricated through regular movement throughout their life. Good exercises include swimming (which is also gentle on joints), strengthening with weights, walking, tennis and golf (for muscle strength and improving balance) and tai chi, which improves muscle strength and flexibility as well as balance.
Once arthritis is diagnosed, treatment involves medication to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and prevent joint damage. Surgery may sometimes be needed to correct joint deformity, reconstruct a diseased joint or completely replace a joint with a prosthesis (such as a new hip). A minor operation called arthroscopy can also provide some relief by smoothing over or removing ragged joint edges, debris and loose material in the joint. Prevention of further damage may involve splinting to stabilise joints (the simplest example is a knee bandage) and orthotics (shoe inserts) to correct weight distribution.
It’s not clear what sets off the inflammation that causes arthritis and no one has yet found a cure for the condition. However, contributing factors may include genetic predisposition, environmental causes such as diet or stress and random triggers such as infection or psychological stress (for example, bereavement). In roughly two-thirds of patients, arthritis will prove temporary and go away permanently. In one-third, the condition is permanent. Some will go in and out of remission. Many natural health practitioners report great improvement with changes in diet such as eliminating dairy and gluten.
Though there is no foolproof way to protect yourself against developing arthritis, you can lessen the risks. A lifestyle that minimises stress and distress appears to reduce internal inflammation. Other important preventive strategies include maintaining a healthy weight, following a healthy diet, taking precautions to reduce repetitive strain injuries at work, warming up before regular exercise and ensuring that all joint injuries are properly and promptly treated.
Nature’s remedies
Though the copper bracelet has shown mixed results in reducing arthritis, other remedies have been found to be of substantial benefit, including:
* Glucosamine: Glucosamine is one of the primary components of cartilage, while chondroitin provides the cartilage with elasticity. The ageing process sees a decline in the body’s ability to synthesise both. Supplementing can reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness associated with joint degeneration. Dosage: Glucosamine sulfate is the form on which most research has been undertaken and is derived from crustacean shell or can be synthetically manufactured. It comes in tablet, capsule or powder. The optimal dose of glucosamine is 500mg three times daily and 400mg of chondroitin three times daily is recommended as well. Cartilage rebuilding may take about three months.
* Ginger: Gingerols (the active component in ginger) are effective in alleviating pain and inflammation by inhibiting an enzyme called COX-2 (cyclo oxygenate), which causes inflammation in arthritis. COX-2 is the same enzyme that some of the newer anti-inflammatory drugs also target. The ginger binds to the enzyme after it crosses the cell wall and stops it from triggering prostaglandins — naturally occurring fatty acids that cause pain and inflammation. Ginger also blocks the reaction of a particular pain receptor in the brain, which recognises painful stimuli such as heat and acidity. Some studies suggest ginger is as potent as the anti-inflammatory drugs in the pain management of osteoarthritis, without any of the side-effects. Dosage: Up to two grams of powder, extract, tincture or capsules, divided into three daily doses, or up to four cups of ginger tea.
* Evening primrose oil: This may benefit people with rheumatoid arthritis or a tendency to stiff and sore joints. It is rich in an essential fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). In the body, this can act a little like a hormone to reduce inflammation. Dosage: About 2–4g per day. You may need to persist for three months before you notice any improvement in symptoms.
* Carathron: This is a natural formula based on traditional Chinese medicine. It contains three different herbs that have been shown in clinical trials to have strong anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects in people with arthritis. As well as analgaesic effects, carathron may help in the maintenance and support of surrounding tissue and protect against cartilage degeneration.
Dosage: Three 200mg tablets a day for the first two weeks, then one tablet per day.
Know the signs
Arthritis causes the following symptoms in the joints:
* Swelling
* Early-morning joint stiffness for longer than a few minutes
* Recurring pain resulting in an inability to move normally
* Obvious redness or warmth
* Pain accompanied by unexplained weight loss, fever or weakness along with joint pain
Consult your doctor if you have symptoms for two weeks or more. Blood tests can assess inflammation and rheumatoid factor, an antibody present in about 80 per cent of people with rheumatoid arthritis. A rheumatologist may take fluid from the joint via a needle to be examined for infection, micro-organisms or uric acid (prevalent in gout). X-rays can also help determine whether damage to the bones or cartilage has occurred — usually in the later stages of the illness.
Anti-inflammatory foods
There is no such thing as an anti-arthritic diet. Foods that upset some people will not be a problem for others. However, if you are experiencing joint pain or have a history of arthritis in the family and want to take preventive measures, consider:
* Keeping a diet and symptom diary to identify any foods that cause joint pain or other symptoms of sensitivity. Some people with arthritis find that foods belonging to the nightshade family — tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers — can exacerbate their symptoms. For others, cutting out foods such as wheat and dairy products can lessen inflammation.
* Eating three meals a week containing oily fish, such as sardines and salmon, rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects.
* Cutting back on saturated fats from foods such as full-cream dairy products and fried foods, which encourage the production of inflammatory chemicals called prostaglandins, which contribute to joint pain.
* Eating more curries — studies suggest ingredients such as curcumin in turmeric may reduce arthritis onset and symptoms of arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory actions.
* Avoiding alcohol and foods high in purine, such as shellfish, herrings, offal, bacon and yeast if you suffer from gout, as these may trigger inflammation that causes flare-ups of joint pain.
Friday, December 17, 2010
WikiLeaks conspiracy case
U.S. seeks to build WikiLeaks conspiracy case: report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors are looking for any evidence WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange conspired with a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking classified government documents, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.
U.S. Justice Department officials were trying to determine whether Assange encouraged or helped Private Bradley Manning extract classified military and State Department files from a government computer system, the newspaper said.
If he did, officials believe Assange could be charged as a conspirator in the leak, not just as a passive recipient of the documents who then published them, the newspaper said, citing people familiar with the case.
A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment on the report.
The Justice Department has been looking into a range of criminal charges, including violations of the 1917 Espionage Act, that could used to prosecute the WikiLeaks case.
Prosecutors were studying an online chat log in which Manning is said to claim he had been directly communicating with Assange while downloading government files, The New York Times reported.
Manning bragged about his exploits to former hacker Adrian Lamo, who then turned him into the authorities, Lamo told Reuters.
Manning has been detained at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia after being charged in July with improperly obtaining a classified video showing a 2007 helicopter attack that killed a dozen people in Iraq, including two Reuters journalists.
Assange has been held in a London jail after being arrested in connection with an unrelated investigation by Swedish authorities into alleged sex crimes in that country.
Some legal experts have said it would be difficult for the Obama administration to prosecute WikiLeaks or Assange, who is an Australian citizen, for espionage. Other parts of U.S. law, however, make it easier to prosecute people for unauthorized disclosure of certain classified information.
(Reporting by JoAnne Allen; Editing by Todd Eastham)
Thomson Reuters 2010. All rights reserved
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors are looking for any evidence WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange conspired with a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst suspected of leaking classified government documents, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.
U.S. Justice Department officials were trying to determine whether Assange encouraged or helped Private Bradley Manning extract classified military and State Department files from a government computer system, the newspaper said.
If he did, officials believe Assange could be charged as a conspirator in the leak, not just as a passive recipient of the documents who then published them, the newspaper said, citing people familiar with the case.
A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment on the report.
The Justice Department has been looking into a range of criminal charges, including violations of the 1917 Espionage Act, that could used to prosecute the WikiLeaks case.
Prosecutors were studying an online chat log in which Manning is said to claim he had been directly communicating with Assange while downloading government files, The New York Times reported.
Manning bragged about his exploits to former hacker Adrian Lamo, who then turned him into the authorities, Lamo told Reuters.
Manning has been detained at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia after being charged in July with improperly obtaining a classified video showing a 2007 helicopter attack that killed a dozen people in Iraq, including two Reuters journalists.
Assange has been held in a London jail after being arrested in connection with an unrelated investigation by Swedish authorities into alleged sex crimes in that country.
Some legal experts have said it would be difficult for the Obama administration to prosecute WikiLeaks or Assange, who is an Australian citizen, for espionage. Other parts of U.S. law, however, make it easier to prosecute people for unauthorized disclosure of certain classified information.
(Reporting by JoAnne Allen; Editing by Todd Eastham)
Thomson Reuters 2010. All rights reserved
Obama is hiring military contractors -AGAIN
or Still - these contractors are mercenaries (A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict, and is "motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain)
America's New Mercenaries - by Tim Shorrock
As American commanders meet this week for the Afghanistan review, Obama is hiring military contractors at a rate that would make Bush blush. Tim Shorrock on the Blackwater heirs.
Top U.S. commanders are meeting this week to plan for the next phase of the Afghanistan war. In Iraq, meanwhile, gains are tentative and in danger of unraveling.
Both wars have been fought with the help of private military and intelligence contractors. But despite the troubles of Blackwater in particular – charges of corruption and killing of civilians—and continuing controversy over military outsourcing in general, private sector armies are as involved as ever.
Without much notice or debate, the Obama administration has greatly expanded the outsourcing of key parts of the U.S.-led counterinsurgency wars in the Middle East and Africa, and as a result, for its secretive air war and special operations missions around the world, the U.S. has become increasingly reliant on a new breed of specialized companies that are virtually unknown to the American public, yet carry out vital U.S. missions abroad.
Companies such as Blackbird Technologies, Glevum Associates, K2 Solutions, and others have won hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military and intelligence contracts in recent years to provide technology, information on insurgents, Special Forces training, and personnel rescue. They win their work through the large, established prime contractors, but are tasked with missions only companies with specific skills and background in covert and counterinsurgency can accomplish.
America's New Mercenaries - by Tim Shorrock
As American commanders meet this week for the Afghanistan review, Obama is hiring military contractors at a rate that would make Bush blush. Tim Shorrock on the Blackwater heirs.
Top U.S. commanders are meeting this week to plan for the next phase of the Afghanistan war. In Iraq, meanwhile, gains are tentative and in danger of unraveling.
Both wars have been fought with the help of private military and intelligence contractors. But despite the troubles of Blackwater in particular – charges of corruption and killing of civilians—and continuing controversy over military outsourcing in general, private sector armies are as involved as ever.
Without much notice or debate, the Obama administration has greatly expanded the outsourcing of key parts of the U.S.-led counterinsurgency wars in the Middle East and Africa, and as a result, for its secretive air war and special operations missions around the world, the U.S. has become increasingly reliant on a new breed of specialized companies that are virtually unknown to the American public, yet carry out vital U.S. missions abroad.
Companies such as Blackbird Technologies, Glevum Associates, K2 Solutions, and others have won hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military and intelligence contracts in recent years to provide technology, information on insurgents, Special Forces training, and personnel rescue. They win their work through the large, established prime contractors, but are tasked with missions only companies with specific skills and background in covert and counterinsurgency can accomplish.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
2010 in Photos
This is an amazing album of events
As the year 2010 approaches its last few days, it's time to look back on the previous 12 months. In the first third of 2010, Millions of gallons of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico, several massive earthquakes wreaked havoc worldwide, Vancouver hosted a successful Winter Olympics, and so much more. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2010. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days. From:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
As the year 2010 approaches its last few days, it's time to look back on the previous 12 months. In the first third of 2010, Millions of gallons of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico, several massive earthquakes wreaked havoc worldwide, Vancouver hosted a successful Winter Olympics, and so much more. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2010. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days. From:
Sunday, December 12, 2010
WikiLeaks and We are Anonymous
Here is a short summary on the non-organisation of anonymous - I admire and respect them as truth seekers and freedom fighters. It is difficult for oldies to understand the new way of protesting but I hope by putting correct information out for others to read it will in some way lift the veil
Greetings. We are Anonymous. A lot has been said over the last few days, however, not all of it is fair or accurate. We would like to set the record straight. Anonymous is not unanimous. We use the internet as a tool to congregate, communicate, and articulate; but we speak with many different voices, in many different places, and it is only the Internet that connects us. As the net has evolved, so have we and our methods.
We are now in the digital age. In the 21st century, technology allows states to be more intrusive than ever, and governments are making the most of these new abilities. In recent years we have witnessed intrusions on privacy that would have been dismissed as dystopian only a few decades ago. Left unchecked by democratic control, and unconstrained by national sovereignty or respect for fundamental human values, the legitimate actions of corporations or governments can easily turn into abuse.
Yet the same tools that facilitate these actions provide us with the ability to fight back and safeguard our rights as citizens. It also gives us the power to expose crime, corruption and government abuse that would otherwise remain hidden. Our campaign to support WikiLeaks is not petty vandalism. We do not seek to cause harm for harm’s sake or to cause undue or unnecessary damage to the companies we have taken issue with. Our sole aim is to promote the values of a democratic society for the benefit of all.
If you believe in free expression, a free press, and most of all, a free internet, then you too are Anonymous. Our adversaries should question neither our dedication nor our resolve. We are determined to continue the struggle for as long as necessary to achieve our goal.
We are not ‘hackers’. We are not criminals. We are not terrorists. We are not digital vandals to be vilified, nor caped heroes to be lauded. We are everyday citizens, common men and women of a digital world concerned with protecting basic freedoms. In short, we are you, we are your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, your friends and co-workers. Our ranks are made of individuals from many nations and races, unified by digital camaraderie and the knowledge that we fight for the good of the whole and not the greed of the few. Anonymous is the voice of those who believe in truth, liberty and the freedom of expression. Anonymous believes that it is the small actions of a unified whole that make a difference. Freedom of speech does not fall along national or party lines. We are faceless and nameless, separate yet struggling together for a common cause. We ask you to support us, not for our sake, but for your own. Do not allow governments, corporations, or anyone else to control what you are allowed to see, hear, and think. Censorship will not be tolerated.
A conglomerate of states and global corporations is trying to destroy or silence WikiLeaks. They portray their actions as innocuous, or justify them with dubious appeals to the national interest; on the contrary, the suppression of free speech is harmful to every nation, and every human being. Any institution that seeks to blockade, disrupt or attack WikiLeaks simultaneously attacks free speech, the free press, and other core democratic values. Furthermore, there is absolutely no evidence that any individual has come to any harm as a result of anything released by WikiLeaks, despite some governments’ assertions to the contrary. WikiLeaks is part of the press, and co-operates with renowned media partners as equals. WikiLeaks is a force of good in an increasingly interconnected world – it is our collective duty to protect their right to exist.
Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks, and a campaigner for free speech. Unfortunately, Assange has become the target of political persecution and judicial prosecution. His dedication to the freedom of Information and open governance should serve as an example to everyone across the world.
To show our support and solidarity for the ideas behind WikiLeaks and extend our support beyond just mirroring, we started a campaign consisting of the following two steps:
1. Creating Public Interest for Anonymous with Operation Payback:
We used a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) campaign to draw attention to abuses of power and the criminalization of dissent. Some of us have participated in these attacks, and while we are aware of the severity of our actions, we believe they are in service of a greater good. Operation Payback aimed at those entities that have aided in the attempted censorship of WikiLeaks.The carefully chosen targets included Visa, Mastercard, Postfinance Switzerland, and PayPal. No payments or transaction services were hampered. These actions did no permanent damage or physical harm, they merely occupied bandwidth and system resources, acting as sit-in protestors of the digital era.
2. Spreading the Leaks – Operation Leakspin:
We are also working to promote the further dissemination of all WikiLeaks documents. By hosting thousands of mirrors of WikiLeaks and actively distributing all released materials for easy download, we are ensuring that this information will be read and analyzed by as many people as possible. Operation Leakspin uses the power of many eyes to scour the WikiLeaks cables for under- reported leaks and then publicize them for maximum exposure and effect.
The Internet is a stronghold of freedom in an increasingly authoritarian world. It is capable of connecting and uniting all of humanity by lowering the barriers of language and distance. When we are connected, we are strong. When we are strong, we need not fear tyranny. Governments and corporations are moving against WikiLeaks because they fear our united global power; they fear our ability to demand truth and accountability. Do not forget this.
This is an critical moment for the fate of free speech in our ever-evolving, information-dependent society. These attacks on freedom of expression, if unchecked, will have negative implications for all of mankind. Our peaceful activism will focus on anyone who intends to infringe on the freedoms of speech, information, and expression, regardless of the power they wield. The entities that we campaign against are denying everyone a basic human right. Any person, corporation, government, or other entity that turns against this pattern of censorship, and instead starts promoting freedom of speech, will become our ally. Anonymous aims to educate our opponents rather than harm them; we are campaigning for freedom for everyone, even those who criticize and attack us. Anonymous urges the people of the world to join us against all forms of censorship, in defense of freedom both online and off. We exist in all societies, on the fringe and in the center. If you search, you will find us, all around you.
We are Anonymous.
We are the Internet.
We are Everywhere.
We are You.
We, Anonymous, the collective authors of the work “A Message From Anonymous” (2010), irrevocably renounce all current and future legal rights to the work in any medium whatsoever.
We stand behind the merit of the work, but disclaim all liability for it under law.
We encourage you, the audience, to share, copy, distribute, perform, remix, mash up, interpret, excerpt, translate, and otherwise enjoy and use the work as you will.
Digital versions of the work may be available at
Greetings. We are Anonymous. A lot has been said over the last few days, however, not all of it is fair or accurate. We would like to set the record straight. Anonymous is not unanimous. We use the internet as a tool to congregate, communicate, and articulate; but we speak with many different voices, in many different places, and it is only the Internet that connects us. As the net has evolved, so have we and our methods.
We are now in the digital age. In the 21st century, technology allows states to be more intrusive than ever, and governments are making the most of these new abilities. In recent years we have witnessed intrusions on privacy that would have been dismissed as dystopian only a few decades ago. Left unchecked by democratic control, and unconstrained by national sovereignty or respect for fundamental human values, the legitimate actions of corporations or governments can easily turn into abuse.
Yet the same tools that facilitate these actions provide us with the ability to fight back and safeguard our rights as citizens. It also gives us the power to expose crime, corruption and government abuse that would otherwise remain hidden. Our campaign to support WikiLeaks is not petty vandalism. We do not seek to cause harm for harm’s sake or to cause undue or unnecessary damage to the companies we have taken issue with. Our sole aim is to promote the values of a democratic society for the benefit of all.
If you believe in free expression, a free press, and most of all, a free internet, then you too are Anonymous. Our adversaries should question neither our dedication nor our resolve. We are determined to continue the struggle for as long as necessary to achieve our goal.
We are not ‘hackers’. We are not criminals. We are not terrorists. We are not digital vandals to be vilified, nor caped heroes to be lauded. We are everyday citizens, common men and women of a digital world concerned with protecting basic freedoms. In short, we are you, we are your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, your friends and co-workers. Our ranks are made of individuals from many nations and races, unified by digital camaraderie and the knowledge that we fight for the good of the whole and not the greed of the few. Anonymous is the voice of those who believe in truth, liberty and the freedom of expression. Anonymous believes that it is the small actions of a unified whole that make a difference. Freedom of speech does not fall along national or party lines. We are faceless and nameless, separate yet struggling together for a common cause. We ask you to support us, not for our sake, but for your own. Do not allow governments, corporations, or anyone else to control what you are allowed to see, hear, and think. Censorship will not be tolerated.
A conglomerate of states and global corporations is trying to destroy or silence WikiLeaks. They portray their actions as innocuous, or justify them with dubious appeals to the national interest; on the contrary, the suppression of free speech is harmful to every nation, and every human being. Any institution that seeks to blockade, disrupt or attack WikiLeaks simultaneously attacks free speech, the free press, and other core democratic values. Furthermore, there is absolutely no evidence that any individual has come to any harm as a result of anything released by WikiLeaks, despite some governments’ assertions to the contrary. WikiLeaks is part of the press, and co-operates with renowned media partners as equals. WikiLeaks is a force of good in an increasingly interconnected world – it is our collective duty to protect their right to exist.
Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks, and a campaigner for free speech. Unfortunately, Assange has become the target of political persecution and judicial prosecution. His dedication to the freedom of Information and open governance should serve as an example to everyone across the world.
To show our support and solidarity for the ideas behind WikiLeaks and extend our support beyond just mirroring, we started a campaign consisting of the following two steps:
1. Creating Public Interest for Anonymous with Operation Payback:
We used a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) campaign to draw attention to abuses of power and the criminalization of dissent. Some of us have participated in these attacks, and while we are aware of the severity of our actions, we believe they are in service of a greater good. Operation Payback aimed at those entities that have aided in the attempted censorship of WikiLeaks.The carefully chosen targets included Visa, Mastercard, Postfinance Switzerland, and PayPal. No payments or transaction services were hampered. These actions did no permanent damage or physical harm, they merely occupied bandwidth and system resources, acting as sit-in protestors of the digital era.
2. Spreading the Leaks – Operation Leakspin:
We are also working to promote the further dissemination of all WikiLeaks documents. By hosting thousands of mirrors of WikiLeaks and actively distributing all released materials for easy download, we are ensuring that this information will be read and analyzed by as many people as possible. Operation Leakspin uses the power of many eyes to scour the WikiLeaks cables for under- reported leaks and then publicize them for maximum exposure and effect.
The Internet is a stronghold of freedom in an increasingly authoritarian world. It is capable of connecting and uniting all of humanity by lowering the barriers of language and distance. When we are connected, we are strong. When we are strong, we need not fear tyranny. Governments and corporations are moving against WikiLeaks because they fear our united global power; they fear our ability to demand truth and accountability. Do not forget this.
This is an critical moment for the fate of free speech in our ever-evolving, information-dependent society. These attacks on freedom of expression, if unchecked, will have negative implications for all of mankind. Our peaceful activism will focus on anyone who intends to infringe on the freedoms of speech, information, and expression, regardless of the power they wield. The entities that we campaign against are denying everyone a basic human right. Any person, corporation, government, or other entity that turns against this pattern of censorship, and instead starts promoting freedom of speech, will become our ally. Anonymous aims to educate our opponents rather than harm them; we are campaigning for freedom for everyone, even those who criticize and attack us. Anonymous urges the people of the world to join us against all forms of censorship, in defense of freedom both online and off. We exist in all societies, on the fringe and in the center. If you search, you will find us, all around you.
We are Anonymous.
We are the Internet.
We are Everywhere.
We are You.
We, Anonymous, the collective authors of the work “A Message From Anonymous” (2010), irrevocably renounce all current and future legal rights to the work in any medium whatsoever.
We stand behind the merit of the work, but disclaim all liability for it under law.
We encourage you, the audience, to share, copy, distribute, perform, remix, mash up, interpret, excerpt, translate, and otherwise enjoy and use the work as you will.
Digital versions of the work may be available at
Saturday, December 11, 2010
WikiLeaks Sydney Rally
How proud I was being part of this peaceful informative rally @ Sydney Town Hall yesterday
Some pics here:mrreebdoog
Please Sign the Petition
Julian Assange should be awarded Nobel peace prize, suggests Russia
Some pics here:
Julian Assange should be awarded Nobel peace prize, suggests Russia
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Hackers 'hit Mastercard payments', attack Visa
I know 2 wrongs do not make a right but payback is sweet
Hackers have attacked the websites of credit card giants Mastercard and Visa.
The attacks came after the Anonymous group of hackers pledged to pursue firms that
have withdrawn services from Wikileaks.
Hackers have attacked the websites of credit card giants Mastercard and Visa.
The attacks came after the Anonymous group of hackers pledged to pursue firms that
have withdrawn services from Wikileaks.
Earth's Core Has Another Layer, Scientists Claim
By Charles Q. Choi, OurAmazingPlanet Contributor
What may be a new outermost layer of the Earth's core has been found, geoscientists have revealed.
This discovery could help solve mysteries of the planet's magnetic field, researchers say.
The Earth's core is composed mainly of iron, divided into a solid inner center roughly 1,500 miles (2,440 kilometers) wide covered by a liquid outer layer about 1,400 miles (2,250 km) thick. Even though the bulk of the core is iron, researchers also knew it contained a small amount of lighter elements such as oxygen and sulfur. As the inner core crystallized over time, scientists think this process forced out most of these light elements, which then migrated through the liquid outer core.
Now geoscientists think they have detected all these light elements concentrated in the outermost parts of the core.
"Ever since core structure started to be studied, there were hints of structure there — that's why we looked for it," said researcher George Helffrich, a geologist and seismologist at the University of Bristol in England.
Seismic speed changes
To investigate the core, researchers monitored seismic waves that traveled through its outer layer. The waves were generated by earthquakes in South America and the southwestern Pacific Ocean, and were recorded using arrays of seismometers in Japan and northern Europe.
The speeds at which seismic waves traveled through the outer core at different depths suggest that its composition does not remain the same all the way through. Instead, the uppermost 185 miles (300 km) or so is a distinct structure, with the section nearest the boundary consisting up to 5 percent by weight of light elements.
"The seismic structure we found is hard to deny — the signal is obvious to the eye in the data that we used," Helffrich told OurAmazingPlanet.
While Helffrich would not call their discovery a new layer of the core, he noted that "others might." He likened the potential new layer to the layers of the atmosphere.
"Think about the stratosphere above your head — is it a layer? There's no boundary to it, only a change in the temperature profile with altitude," Helffrich said. "Similarly, there's no boundary we infer inside the top of the core, just a slow droop in wave speed and then, possibly, a slight increase as you approach the core's surface."
Maintaining the magnetic field
These findings could help solve mysteries regarding the Earth's magnetic field.
"One enduring problem is how to power it for the 3 billion years, for which it seems to have been running," Helffrich said. The spinning of the Earth's core is thought to power the magnetic field that surrounds the planet.
The most plausible solution, Helffrich explained, is that expulsion of light elements from the inner core liberated what is called gravitational potential energy. As this lighter liquid rose upward, it imparted energy downward that drove the flow of metal in the core, which in turn helped keep the magnetic field running. "That fits with the wave speed profile that we observe," Helffrich said.
Future earthquakes might provide even better looks at this outermost structure. "New seismic networks in, say, China, India or the U.S. might provide even larger datasets too," Helffrich said. "I suspect that the main improvement to the work will be to model core liquids better and to balance the growth of the inner core with the composition of the layer."
Helffrich and his colleague, geophysicist Satoshi Kaneshima at the University of Kyushu in Japan, detailed their findings in the Dec. 9 issue of the journal Nature.
What may be a new outermost layer of the Earth's core has been found, geoscientists have revealed.
This discovery could help solve mysteries of the planet's magnetic field, researchers say.
The Earth's core is composed mainly of iron, divided into a solid inner center roughly 1,500 miles (2,440 kilometers) wide covered by a liquid outer layer about 1,400 miles (2,250 km) thick. Even though the bulk of the core is iron, researchers also knew it contained a small amount of lighter elements such as oxygen and sulfur. As the inner core crystallized over time, scientists think this process forced out most of these light elements, which then migrated through the liquid outer core.
Now geoscientists think they have detected all these light elements concentrated in the outermost parts of the core.
"Ever since core structure started to be studied, there were hints of structure there — that's why we looked for it," said researcher George Helffrich, a geologist and seismologist at the University of Bristol in England.
Seismic speed changes
To investigate the core, researchers monitored seismic waves that traveled through its outer layer. The waves were generated by earthquakes in South America and the southwestern Pacific Ocean, and were recorded using arrays of seismometers in Japan and northern Europe.
The speeds at which seismic waves traveled through the outer core at different depths suggest that its composition does not remain the same all the way through. Instead, the uppermost 185 miles (300 km) or so is a distinct structure, with the section nearest the boundary consisting up to 5 percent by weight of light elements.
"The seismic structure we found is hard to deny — the signal is obvious to the eye in the data that we used," Helffrich told OurAmazingPlanet.
While Helffrich would not call their discovery a new layer of the core, he noted that "others might." He likened the potential new layer to the layers of the atmosphere.
"Think about the stratosphere above your head — is it a layer? There's no boundary to it, only a change in the temperature profile with altitude," Helffrich said. "Similarly, there's no boundary we infer inside the top of the core, just a slow droop in wave speed and then, possibly, a slight increase as you approach the core's surface."
Maintaining the magnetic field
These findings could help solve mysteries regarding the Earth's magnetic field.
"One enduring problem is how to power it for the 3 billion years, for which it seems to have been running," Helffrich said. The spinning of the Earth's core is thought to power the magnetic field that surrounds the planet.
The most plausible solution, Helffrich explained, is that expulsion of light elements from the inner core liberated what is called gravitational potential energy. As this lighter liquid rose upward, it imparted energy downward that drove the flow of metal in the core, which in turn helped keep the magnetic field running. "That fits with the wave speed profile that we observe," Helffrich said.
Future earthquakes might provide even better looks at this outermost structure. "New seismic networks in, say, China, India or the U.S. might provide even larger datasets too," Helffrich said. "I suspect that the main improvement to the work will be to model core liquids better and to balance the growth of the inner core with the composition of the layer."
Helffrich and his colleague, geophysicist Satoshi Kaneshima at the University of Kyushu in Japan, detailed their findings in the Dec. 9 issue of the journal Nature.
WikiLeaks Support Rallies World Wide
2010-12-08: WikiLeaks events and protests [Update 5]
AUSTRALIA: Discussion: Julian Assange, Law & Politics
Melbourne: A meeting to discuss Wikileaks' Julian Assange's legal and political position
Speakers: Julian Burnside AO QC, Peter Gordon, John Faine and Professor Spencer Zifcak
Date: Thursday 9 December 2010
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: the Law Institute of Victoria, 470 Bourke St, Melbourne
AUSTRALIA: National rallies to defend Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
Media release:
Sydney: Friday, December 10, 1pm at Sydney Town Hall. Media contacts: Antony Loewenstein 0402 893 690; Simon Butler 0421 231 011. Rally information: Kylie Gilbert 0451 827 693
Event page:
Melbourne: Friday, December 10, 4:30pm at the State Library Lawns, Melbourne. Contact: Vashti Jane 0423 407 910.
Event page:
Brisbane: Thursday, December 9, 5.30pm Brisbane Square CBD
Event page:
Brisbane: Friday, December 10, 12 noon at the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, 295 Anne Street, Brisbane CBD
Rally information: Liam Hanlon 0435 266 613. Media contact: Jim McIlroy 0423 741 734
Event page:
Hobart: Saturday, December 11, noon at the Hobart Parliament Lawns
Event page:
Adelaide: Sunday, December 12, 1:00pm at Parliament House.
Event page:
London: Saturday, December 11: 11:00am - 6:00pm Location "Cumberland Gate" at Marble Arch Hyde Park. Nearest tube station - Marble Arch
Event page:
Washington, DC: Thursday, December 16, 10:00am
Location: In front of the White House
Event details:
New York, NY: Thursday, December 9, 6:30pm - 0:30am
Location: New York Times Bldg, New York, NY 10018
Event page:
New York, NY: Thursday, December 9, 5:00pm
Location: Federal Building, Broadway between Worth and Duane St, NY, NY
(A, C, E, R, 4, 5, 6 Trains to Chamber and/or Brooklyn Bridge stops)
Event page:
Facebook page:
Organized by: International Action Center, 212-633-6646
Olympia, WA: Saturday, December 18, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Heritage Park (5th Ave and Water St)
Event page:
Hamburg: Saturday, December 11, 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: To be announced
Event page:
Montreal: Sunday, December 12, 1:00pm
Location: 1155 St-Alexandre Street (US consulate)
Vienna: Wednesday, December 22, 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: In front of the Parliament
Event page:
Lisbon: Saturday, December 11, 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: To be announced
Event page:
WikiLeaks protest group on Facebook:
AUSTRALIA: Discussion: Julian Assange, Law & Politics
Melbourne: A meeting to discuss Wikileaks' Julian Assange's legal and political position
Speakers: Julian Burnside AO QC, Peter Gordon, John Faine and Professor Spencer Zifcak
Date: Thursday 9 December 2010
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: the Law Institute of Victoria, 470 Bourke St, Melbourne
AUSTRALIA: National rallies to defend Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
Media release:
Sydney: Friday, December 10, 1pm at Sydney Town Hall. Media contacts: Antony Loewenstein 0402 893 690; Simon Butler 0421 231 011. Rally information: Kylie Gilbert 0451 827 693
Event page:
Melbourne: Friday, December 10, 4:30pm at the State Library Lawns, Melbourne. Contact: Vashti Jane 0423 407 910.
Event page:
Brisbane: Thursday, December 9, 5.30pm Brisbane Square CBD
Event page:
Brisbane: Friday, December 10, 12 noon at the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, 295 Anne Street, Brisbane CBD
Rally information: Liam Hanlon 0435 266 613. Media contact: Jim McIlroy 0423 741 734
Event page:
Hobart: Saturday, December 11, noon at the Hobart Parliament Lawns
Event page:
Adelaide: Sunday, December 12, 1:00pm at Parliament House.
Event page:
London: Saturday, December 11: 11:00am - 6:00pm Location "Cumberland Gate" at Marble Arch Hyde Park. Nearest tube station - Marble Arch
Event page:
Washington, DC: Thursday, December 16, 10:00am
Location: In front of the White House
Event details:
New York, NY: Thursday, December 9, 6:30pm - 0:30am
Location: New York Times Bldg, New York, NY 10018
Event page:
New York, NY: Thursday, December 9, 5:00pm
Location: Federal Building, Broadway between Worth and Duane St, NY, NY
(A, C, E, R, 4, 5, 6 Trains to Chamber and/or Brooklyn Bridge stops)
Event page:
Facebook page:
Organized by: International Action Center, 212-633-6646
Olympia, WA: Saturday, December 18, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Heritage Park (5th Ave and Water St)
Event page:
Hamburg: Saturday, December 11, 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: To be announced
Event page:
Montreal: Sunday, December 12, 1:00pm
Location: 1155 St-Alexandre Street (US consulate)
Vienna: Wednesday, December 22, 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: In front of the Parliament
Event page:
Lisbon: Saturday, December 11, 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: To be announced
Event page:
WikiLeaks protest group on Facebook:
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Marijuana Cuts Tumor Growth by 50%
I have posted before about the positive effects of this herb!
The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.
They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy.
THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.
"The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer," said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.
Acting through cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, endocannabinoids (as well as THC) are thought to play a role in variety of biological functions, including pain and anxiety control, and inflammation. Although a medical derivative of THC, known as Marinol, has been approved for use as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients, and a small number of U.S. states allow use of medical marijuana to treat the same side effect, few studies have shown that THC might have anti-tumor activity, Preet says. The only clinical trial testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth was a recently completed British pilot study in human glioblastoma.
In the present study, the researchers first demonstrated that two different lung cancer cell lines as well as patient lung tumor samples express CB1 and CB2, and that non-toxic doses of THC inhibited growth and spread in the cell lines. "When the cells are pretreated with THC, they have less EGFR stimulated invasion as measured by various in-vitro assays," Preet said.
Then, for three weeks, researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice that had been implanted with human lung cancer cells, and found that tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 percent in treated animals compared to a control group. There was also about a 60 percent reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs in these mice as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression, Preet says.
Although the researchers do not know why THC inhibits tumor growth, they say the substance could be activating molecules that arrest the cell cycle. They speculate that THC may also interfere with angiogenesis and vascularization, which promotes cancer growth.
Preet says much work is needed to clarify the pathway by which THC functions, and cautions that some animal studies have shown that THC can stimulate some cancers. "THC offers some promise, but we have a long way to go before we know what its potential is," she said.
The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.
They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy.
THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.
"The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer," said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.
Acting through cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, endocannabinoids (as well as THC) are thought to play a role in variety of biological functions, including pain and anxiety control, and inflammation. Although a medical derivative of THC, known as Marinol, has been approved for use as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients, and a small number of U.S. states allow use of medical marijuana to treat the same side effect, few studies have shown that THC might have anti-tumor activity, Preet says. The only clinical trial testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth was a recently completed British pilot study in human glioblastoma.
In the present study, the researchers first demonstrated that two different lung cancer cell lines as well as patient lung tumor samples express CB1 and CB2, and that non-toxic doses of THC inhibited growth and spread in the cell lines. "When the cells are pretreated with THC, they have less EGFR stimulated invasion as measured by various in-vitro assays," Preet said.
Then, for three weeks, researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice that had been implanted with human lung cancer cells, and found that tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 percent in treated animals compared to a control group. There was also about a 60 percent reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs in these mice as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression, Preet says.
Although the researchers do not know why THC inhibits tumor growth, they say the substance could be activating molecules that arrest the cell cycle. They speculate that THC may also interfere with angiogenesis and vascularization, which promotes cancer growth.
Preet says much work is needed to clarify the pathway by which THC functions, and cautions that some animal studies have shown that THC can stimulate some cancers. "THC offers some promise, but we have a long way to go before we know what its potential is," she said.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
UN Climate talks in Cancun
Use your own desecration
By Cassandra Anderson
The UN Climate talks in Cancun are now focusing on geoengineering, using it as a tool to extort a binding UN treaty to reduce phony global warming. The AP reported today that "we may need geoengineering as a 'Plan B,' if nations fail to forge agreement on a binding treaty to rein in greenhouse gases", per a British House of Commons report.
Geoengineering and contrived global warming lies are facets of Agenda 21, the overarching blueprint for control and depopulation. The article states that geoengineering can cause rain precipitation and other weather changes.
By Cassandra Anderson
The UN Climate talks in Cancun are now focusing on geoengineering, using it as a tool to extort a binding UN treaty to reduce phony global warming. The AP reported today that "we may need geoengineering as a 'Plan B,' if nations fail to forge agreement on a binding treaty to rein in greenhouse gases", per a British House of Commons report.
Geoengineering and contrived global warming lies are facets of Agenda 21, the overarching blueprint for control and depopulation. The article states that geoengineering can cause rain precipitation and other weather changes.
Monday, December 06, 2010
Julian Assange - Wikileaks - An Interview
Julian Assange: "Geopolitics will be separated into pre and post 'Cablegate"
JOSEBA ELOLA - Madrid - 05/12/2010
Saturday the 4th of december. 6.41 pm. Julian Assange seats in front of his computer for a chat interview with EL PAÍS. Interpol is looking for him. His webite is under constant attacks. The 39 year old Australian, and Wikileaks founder, says he has a terrible headache. The last 24 hours were tough.
Q. I read you are taking steps to protect yourselves (you and other people from Wikileaks) after receiving many death threats ¿Where are those death threats coming from?
A. We have hundreds of specific death threats from US military militants. That is not unusual, and we have become practiced from past experiences at ignoring such threats from Islamic extremists, African kleptocrats and so on. Recently the situation has changed with these threats now extending out our lawyers and my children. However it is the specific calls from the elites of US society for our assassination, kidnapping and execution that is more concerning. These range from a US senate bill by John Ensign which seeks to declare us a "transnational threat" to assassination calls from former Bush speech writers such as Marc Thessian in The Washington Post and Bill o'reilly of Fox news.
Q. Your children? How were they threatened?
A. I believe it is better to not encourage these ideas too much by talking about them. However some rightwing sites also called for attacking me via my children. I predicted this might happen since April, so since that time I have had to stay away from my family. Wait a moment. I get you some evidence.
Assange sends a document with a list of all the threats the organization has endured these days. There are more. That is some one of our lawyers found.
Q. I guess this one must have been one of the toughest weeks for Wikileaks. How is the organization doing, how many people are helping you with the DDos (electronic attacks)? Do you feel well surrounded to keep strong?
A. The organisation is strong. We have a lot of support, however we also have many attacks of different forms. From ongoing mass DDOS attacks to smears and the legal issues.
Q. How many people help you deal with the DDOS attacks?
A. We have dozens helping and setting up mirror sites but it takes a lot of time for us to manage the process. We are automating that process and will soon have hundreds. If there is a battle between the US military and the preservation of History, we have insured, History will win.
Q. Is this the biggest leak ever? Or the most relevant? Or was it Ellsberg?s with the Pentagon papers?
A. This is the biggest, at over 265 million words and the most relevant - it covers every serious issue in every country-. It is more significant than the Pentagon Papers.
Q. What will be the consequences of this megaleak?
A. It is too early to say yet. The ripples are just starting to flow throughout the world. But I believe geopolitics will be separated into pre and post cablegate phases. Two more questions. I have to go soon I'm afraid...
Q. Speaking to Time magazine you said that Clinton should resign if it can be shown that she was responsible for ordering US diplomatic figures to engage in espionage in the United Nations. Should that be the case, shouldn?t it be Obama the one who should resign?
A. The whole chain of command who was aware of this order, and approved it, must resign if the US is to be seen to be a credible nation that obeys the rule of law. The order is so serious it may well have been put to the president for approval.
Q. So, should Obama resign, then? And please, allow just five minutes for a couple of questions, if you can, please.
A. Obama must answer what he knew about this illegal order and when. If he refuses to answer or there is evidence he approved of these actions, he must resign.
Q. Is it right that Scotland Yard knows where you are and that you have made yourself available to speak with Swedish authorities, including the prosecutor handling the case?
Q. Hello? Still there?
A. ...
Q. ¿Is it over?
A. Sorry. Internet disconnected momentarily
Q. Will I be able to ask just two extra questions?
A. Ok. make them quick :)
Q. Well, first, the one I asked ¿Is it right that you made yourself available to speak with Swedish authorities? What are you going to do about the case after the Sweedish Supreme court' s denial of your appeal?
A. We will fight them and expose them, naturally. That there is something "wrong" with this case is now obvious to everyone.
Q. Do you plan to stay in a hidden place or are you willing to have your say with the Swedish Justice?
A. Ok. I have to go now.
Q. Please, answer if you intend to stay in a hidden place, if you can.
[The chat is over. Julian?s assistant writes: He?gone. Sorry!]
JOSEBA ELOLA - Madrid - 05/12/2010
Saturday the 4th of december. 6.41 pm. Julian Assange seats in front of his computer for a chat interview with EL PAÍS. Interpol is looking for him. His webite is under constant attacks. The 39 year old Australian, and Wikileaks founder, says he has a terrible headache. The last 24 hours were tough.
Q. I read you are taking steps to protect yourselves (you and other people from Wikileaks) after receiving many death threats ¿Where are those death threats coming from?
A. We have hundreds of specific death threats from US military militants. That is not unusual, and we have become practiced from past experiences at ignoring such threats from Islamic extremists, African kleptocrats and so on. Recently the situation has changed with these threats now extending out our lawyers and my children. However it is the specific calls from the elites of US society for our assassination, kidnapping and execution that is more concerning. These range from a US senate bill by John Ensign which seeks to declare us a "transnational threat" to assassination calls from former Bush speech writers such as Marc Thessian in The Washington Post and Bill o'reilly of Fox news.
Q. Your children? How were they threatened?
A. I believe it is better to not encourage these ideas too much by talking about them. However some rightwing sites also called for attacking me via my children. I predicted this might happen since April, so since that time I have had to stay away from my family. Wait a moment. I get you some evidence.
Assange sends a document with a list of all the threats the organization has endured these days. There are more. That is some one of our lawyers found.
Q. I guess this one must have been one of the toughest weeks for Wikileaks. How is the organization doing, how many people are helping you with the DDos (electronic attacks)? Do you feel well surrounded to keep strong?
A. The organisation is strong. We have a lot of support, however we also have many attacks of different forms. From ongoing mass DDOS attacks to smears and the legal issues.
Q. How many people help you deal with the DDOS attacks?
A. We have dozens helping and setting up mirror sites but it takes a lot of time for us to manage the process. We are automating that process and will soon have hundreds. If there is a battle between the US military and the preservation of History, we have insured, History will win.
Q. Is this the biggest leak ever? Or the most relevant? Or was it Ellsberg?s with the Pentagon papers?
A. This is the biggest, at over 265 million words and the most relevant - it covers every serious issue in every country-. It is more significant than the Pentagon Papers.
Q. What will be the consequences of this megaleak?
A. It is too early to say yet. The ripples are just starting to flow throughout the world. But I believe geopolitics will be separated into pre and post cablegate phases. Two more questions. I have to go soon I'm afraid...
Q. Speaking to Time magazine you said that Clinton should resign if it can be shown that she was responsible for ordering US diplomatic figures to engage in espionage in the United Nations. Should that be the case, shouldn?t it be Obama the one who should resign?
A. The whole chain of command who was aware of this order, and approved it, must resign if the US is to be seen to be a credible nation that obeys the rule of law. The order is so serious it may well have been put to the president for approval.
Q. So, should Obama resign, then? And please, allow just five minutes for a couple of questions, if you can, please.
A. Obama must answer what he knew about this illegal order and when. If he refuses to answer or there is evidence he approved of these actions, he must resign.
Q. Is it right that Scotland Yard knows where you are and that you have made yourself available to speak with Swedish authorities, including the prosecutor handling the case?
Q. Hello? Still there?
A. ...
Q. ¿Is it over?
A. Sorry. Internet disconnected momentarily
Q. Will I be able to ask just two extra questions?
A. Ok. make them quick :)
Q. Well, first, the one I asked ¿Is it right that you made yourself available to speak with Swedish authorities? What are you going to do about the case after the Sweedish Supreme court' s denial of your appeal?
A. We will fight them and expose them, naturally. That there is something "wrong" with this case is now obvious to everyone.
Q. Do you plan to stay in a hidden place or are you willing to have your say with the Swedish Justice?
A. Ok. I have to go now.
Q. Please, answer if you intend to stay in a hidden place, if you can.
[The chat is over. Julian?s assistant writes: He?gone. Sorry!]
WikiLeaks News from the infowar front
"The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops," wrote John Perry Barlow on Twitter.
The censorship vs. free speech battle is escalating. This week has seen Amazon, Tableau, EveryDNS and PayPal dropping WikiLeaks services in quick succession, DDoS attacks that caused the site to go offline multiple times, and mounting political pressure from the US (2), Australian and French governments.
The US government went so far as to warn Switzerland against granting Julian Assange political asylum, reports 20 Minuten. In an open letter in Der Sonntag, the US ambassador to Switzerland, Donald Beyer, wrote that "Switzerland will have to consider very carefully whether to provide shelter to someone who is a fugitive from justice." However Swiss politicians including Cédric Wermuth, president of the Young Socialist Party, Bastien Girod, president of the Greens National Council, and the Swiss Pirate Party have reiterated their support for Assange and willingness to grant him asylum.
The onslaught is creating growing resistance. "American pressure to dissuade companies in the US from supporting the WikiLeaks website has led to an online backlash in which individuals are redirecting parts of their own sites to its Swedish internet host," writes The Guardian. "At the same time, scores of sites "mirroring" WikiLeaks have sprung up – by lunchtime today, the list was 74-strong and contained sites that have the same content as WikiLeaks and – crucially – link to the downloads of its leaks of 250,000 US diplomatic cables." The mirror list counts now hundreds of domains.
WikiLeaks' Swiss host, Switch, said that there was "no reason" why the site should be forced offline, despite demands from France and the US, in a statement released by the Swiss Pirate Party. French host OVH declared that it was up to judges, and "not up to the politicians or OVH to request or decide the closure of the site," in a response to the French government.
John Karlung, the CEO of WikiLeaks's Swedish host, Bahnhof, told The Daily Beast that "The service is provided in Sweden — where Swedish law applies. We are not subject to American law, Chinese laws or Iranian laws either, for that matter. WikiLeaks is just a normal business client. We do not treat them any different than any other client." He said that the US had not contacted the company to ask it to cancel hosting for WikiLeaks, and when asked whether Bahnhof would comply if such a request were made, he answered "Of course not."
Evgeny Morozov has cautioned in The Financial Times that the US backlash against WikiLeaks and Julian Assange may have unintended consequences: "WikiLeaks could be transformed from a handful of volunteers to a global movement of politicised geeks clamouring for revenge. Today’s WikiLeaks talks the language of transparency, but it could quickly develop a new code of explicit anti-Americanism, anti-imperialism and anti-globalisation.[...] An aggressive attempt to go after WikiLeaks – by blocking its web access, for instance, or by harassing its members – could install Mr Assange (or whoever succeeds him) at the helm of a powerful new global movement able to paralyse the work of governments and corporations around the world."
The censorship vs. free speech battle is escalating. This week has seen Amazon, Tableau, EveryDNS and PayPal dropping WikiLeaks services in quick succession, DDoS attacks that caused the site to go offline multiple times, and mounting political pressure from the US (2), Australian and French governments.
The US government went so far as to warn Switzerland against granting Julian Assange political asylum, reports 20 Minuten. In an open letter in Der Sonntag, the US ambassador to Switzerland, Donald Beyer, wrote that "Switzerland will have to consider very carefully whether to provide shelter to someone who is a fugitive from justice." However Swiss politicians including Cédric Wermuth, president of the Young Socialist Party, Bastien Girod, president of the Greens National Council, and the Swiss Pirate Party have reiterated their support for Assange and willingness to grant him asylum.
The onslaught is creating growing resistance. "American pressure to dissuade companies in the US from supporting the WikiLeaks website has led to an online backlash in which individuals are redirecting parts of their own sites to its Swedish internet host," writes The Guardian. "At the same time, scores of sites "mirroring" WikiLeaks have sprung up – by lunchtime today, the list was 74-strong and contained sites that have the same content as WikiLeaks and – crucially – link to the downloads of its leaks of 250,000 US diplomatic cables." The mirror list counts now hundreds of domains.
WikiLeaks' Swiss host, Switch, said that there was "no reason" why the site should be forced offline, despite demands from France and the US, in a statement released by the Swiss Pirate Party. French host OVH declared that it was up to judges, and "not up to the politicians or OVH to request or decide the closure of the site," in a response to the French government.
John Karlung, the CEO of WikiLeaks's Swedish host, Bahnhof, told The Daily Beast that "The service is provided in Sweden — where Swedish law applies. We are not subject to American law, Chinese laws or Iranian laws either, for that matter. WikiLeaks is just a normal business client. We do not treat them any different than any other client." He said that the US had not contacted the company to ask it to cancel hosting for WikiLeaks, and when asked whether Bahnhof would comply if such a request were made, he answered "Of course not."
Evgeny Morozov has cautioned in The Financial Times that the US backlash against WikiLeaks and Julian Assange may have unintended consequences: "WikiLeaks could be transformed from a handful of volunteers to a global movement of politicised geeks clamouring for revenge. Today’s WikiLeaks talks the language of transparency, but it could quickly develop a new code of explicit anti-Americanism, anti-imperialism and anti-globalisation.[...] An aggressive attempt to go after WikiLeaks – by blocking its web access, for instance, or by harassing its members – could install Mr Assange (or whoever succeeds him) at the helm of a powerful new global movement able to paralyse the work of governments and corporations around the world."
BP Gulf Oil Spill
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill - By Dr. Tom Termotto
It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind.
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill - By Dr. Tom Termotto
It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
WikiLeaks needs your help (please) and you gave it - thanks
Can you help
Mass-mirroring Wikileaks - Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.
In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, we need your help.
if you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help!
Further instructions here
You bloody beauty folks I am so pround that the internet community has joined hands and mirroring all around the world. cheers guys - love u.
Some twitter comments:
WikiLeaks strikes back. Cut us down and the stronger we become.
Wikileaks is creating multiple mirrors Internet-wide. Good luck taking it all down.
Its No More At The Mercy Of Politicians! Now 6Bn People's Power Backs You!
let the internet war begin.
My wikileaks dns is up, is yours?
Big mistake for government to attack #WikiLeaks. Free-speech lovers have now become #WikiLeaks.
attempts to shutoff wikileaks have of course resulted in a "streisand effect" moment.
just demonstrates the power of the Human race on the Internet. Well done guys. Hope you are squirming right now Mr. Leiberman
List of mirrors:
In all my years I have never seen such a show of oneness, solidarity and just joining together in the fight for freedom and truth
Mass-mirroring Wikileaks - Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.
In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, we need your help.
if you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help!
Further instructions here
You bloody beauty folks I am so pround that the internet community has joined hands and mirroring all around the world. cheers guys - love u.
Some twitter comments:
WikiLeaks strikes back. Cut us down and the stronger we become.
Wikileaks is creating multiple mirrors Internet-wide. Good luck taking it all down.
Its No More At The Mercy Of Politicians! Now 6Bn People's Power Backs You!
let the internet war begin.
My wikileaks dns is up, is yours?
Big mistake for government to attack #WikiLeaks. Free-speech lovers have now become #WikiLeaks.
attempts to shutoff wikileaks have of course resulted in a "streisand effect" moment.
just demonstrates the power of the Human race on the Internet. Well done guys. Hope you are squirming right now Mr. Leiberman
List of mirrors:
In all my years I have never seen such a show of oneness, solidarity and just joining together in the fight for freedom and truth
Scotland Yard 'will arrest wanted WikiLeaks boss today' !!!!!!
I hope this is not true but it had to come to an arrest I just hope Julian is prepared and also the rest of the world!!
* Police know Julian Assange's whereabouts but await correct Interpol paperwork
* Amazon boot WikiLeaks off their server after coming under political pressure
WikiLeaks supremo Julian Assange could be arrested in Britain today over sex allegations.
Scotland Yard detectives were last night preparing to detain the 39-year-old over claims of rape and sexual assault in Sweden.
An extradition warrant is expected to be passed to the Metropolitan Police today or early next week.
They have apparently known for over a month where Australian-born Mr Assange, who is in hiding in south-east England, is staying.
He supplied the force with his contact details upon arrival in Britain in October, said his London-based lawyer.
It today emerged that Mr Assange only escaped arrest yesterday because the Swedish authorities filled out an Interpol arrest warrant incorrectly.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: ‘If an international arrest warrant is legitimately issued and is passed to us and if we know where that person is then of course we would arrest them.’
The internet whistleblower will be the subject of an international manhunt when the Interpol ‘red notice’ is correctly issued.
He was added to the worldwide wanted list amid growing fury in Washington at the mass release of more than 250,000 classified U.S. communiques.
One aide said: 'The inquiry into the criminal nature of the leaks is still at a preliminary stage in Washington, but Sweden clearly thinks the charges against him are serious enough for him to be extradited back there.’
The escalating row over the arrest delay came as kicked WikiLeaks from its servers, forcing the controversial website to move back to a Swedish provider.
Senator Joe Leiberman said Amazon acted after congressional staffers called the company yesterday to inquire about its relationship with WikiLeaks.
* Police know Julian Assange's whereabouts but await correct Interpol paperwork
* Amazon boot WikiLeaks off their server after coming under political pressure
WikiLeaks supremo Julian Assange could be arrested in Britain today over sex allegations.
Scotland Yard detectives were last night preparing to detain the 39-year-old over claims of rape and sexual assault in Sweden.
An extradition warrant is expected to be passed to the Metropolitan Police today or early next week.
They have apparently known for over a month where Australian-born Mr Assange, who is in hiding in south-east England, is staying.
He supplied the force with his contact details upon arrival in Britain in October, said his London-based lawyer.
It today emerged that Mr Assange only escaped arrest yesterday because the Swedish authorities filled out an Interpol arrest warrant incorrectly.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: ‘If an international arrest warrant is legitimately issued and is passed to us and if we know where that person is then of course we would arrest them.’
The internet whistleblower will be the subject of an international manhunt when the Interpol ‘red notice’ is correctly issued.
He was added to the worldwide wanted list amid growing fury in Washington at the mass release of more than 250,000 classified U.S. communiques.
One aide said: 'The inquiry into the criminal nature of the leaks is still at a preliminary stage in Washington, but Sweden clearly thinks the charges against him are serious enough for him to be extradited back there.’
The escalating row over the arrest delay came as kicked WikiLeaks from its servers, forcing the controversial website to move back to a Swedish provider.
Senator Joe Leiberman said Amazon acted after congressional staffers called the company yesterday to inquire about its relationship with WikiLeaks.
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